
*rubs hands together*

i mean the last camry looked fine. nobody on jalopnik has said anything like that about the last gen camry ever. older camrii, sure. newest camry bad

Manufacturers have primarily moved to aggressive-looking fascias to better help buyers display their dissatisfaction with how their life actually turned out.

Honestly they could make the front end look like a port o potty and it wouldnt matter. I have never known a camry driver that seemed to care at all what it looked like. They want a reliable sedan that is cheap to run and maintain.

And there’s the f/16 rule: proper exposure in bright sunlight would be an EV equiv to f/16 shot at the reciprocal of the ISO setting for the shutter speed. If the ISO is 100, then the shutter is set to 1/100 of a second.


Wood out for Wood

Dicks out for Pioneer Cabin Tree!

Absolutely. It has become a regular occurrence that I apologize on Friday to my co-workers for not being able to work yet another weekend or holiday due to a family obligation. It’s not just emails, either. Conference calls on Christmas morning, being expected to depart and return for work travel on weekends, meetings

y’all really want to see a tree that’s been carved up so you can drive your fucking car through it?

2017 is already claiming victims.

You’re not getting old. Slow car fast is always better than fast car slow.

Yep. Go into a corner too hot? Well, that sucks. But here’s what you do. Look where you want to go. Literally, point your eyeballs at the place where you want your car or bike to end up in a moment. Simultaneously with that, do not add to brake or throttle. Essentially try to keep your throttle, wherever it is, the

I don’t think he’s actually said he’ll transfer over. There was a lot of talk that he’d keep his current handle and might relegate @POTUS to a more formal official role.

Unless Biden changed the password!

For those cars you don’t have a choice.

explicit statements! claims! some with “moderate confidence”! i guess that settles it

libs used to love wikileaks....

Nah, you don’t need a DSLR. I’m sure plenty of people taking the challenge just use their smartphones. A couple of the challenges do have specific instructions for exposure or lens settings that your point and shoot might not have, but you can join most of them. This definitely falls under the “your best camera is the

“I’ve waited long enough already,”