
ISIS believes they can provoke armageddon. And that is what they want.

Their goal is for us to attack them in whatever country they are from, wait for the inevitable accidental civilian deaths, and use that to recruit more disenfranchised people to their cause. Repeat.

The point of ABS has never been to make you stop quicker. It was to keep you in control and in a straight line.

I’d take a new a Kia over a 10 year old Nissan.

Who wants a shitty old Sentra with a blow over?

There is something disconcerting about those who just wave these issues of so nonchalantly.

Should have just gotten him a new paint job, who wants a Kia?

Oh come on now...........give me a brake.

It really makes you stop and think though.

Friction is a drag.

heck no, animal control staff doesn’t have time to dress and process game. Besides, its behavior suggests it might have been sick or injured to begin with.

...It’s just a freaking deer. They’re a major pest in upstate New York (and pretty much everywhere) and constantly on the verge of overpopulation thanks to a lack of natural predators (that we caused) besides humans. It’s sad and unnecessary that it died in terror, but it wouldn’t have been some tragedy if it had

Yep, no pity here. The standard boarding procedures are a bit dumb, but you can’t just walk on the plane, and you definitely have to leave when told to by the police.

Am I the only one that places the blame on the shithead motorists driving too fast for conditions over the top of a hill?

I was impressed by that, too.

Have to say, the RAM driver did a great job getting his truck slid into just the right position.

That impreza is a fully built STI under the skin. It’s rather far from stock though the Ford still has a power advantage.

Love the sound of that external wastegate fluttering.

When I see these DIY tech posts, I think, “Neat! That might be fun to try!”

So use the goddamn included lightning adaptor, which is included with the phone.