
The Dyson car came up on a much slower car's bumper instead of adjusting the corner exit and going around safely. There was no reason to do what they did and doing that in karting would have at least gotten you a warning. The Conquest car was in the right here.

Perfect timing. The normal Facebook Notifications application stopped working recently. This should be a nice hold over until we get official support in Mountain Lion.

It's too bad the Wakemate has been discontinued. They ran out of capital. I believe we'll be seeing an open source version in the near future.

Hate to say it, but the lack of unions is what makes China a viable option for manufacturing insane volumes like this. Say they all union up and demand this and that... suddenly it becomes a lot more affordable to just keep your manufacturing on your home soil. Same problems, less shipping costs.

I guess it could be worse. You could have to work on a Windows machine all day.

I have all of my google accounts linked using the built in account tools in iOS and OS X. It works perfectly, actually. On Lion, it was slightly tricky, but on Mountain Lion it's a piece of cake.

I have a Titanium Eco-Drive Skyhawk that was around the same price when it was new. About a year ago, it decided it wasn't going to charge anymore. I had the capacitor replaced and it still wouldn't charge. Now I'm being told it's probably the movement and I'm looking at $350 to get it fixed.

Round trip, door to door, my commute is ideally 1.5 hours each way. I walk to the train, ride it in to Grand Central, ride the subway, walk 2 blocks, 2 avenues, done. I'm used to it now and I just start getting stuff done when I sit down on the train.

It's a NP at $5k, but at over $11k it's definitely CP.

You'll come to find that most security specialists out there actually have no fucking clue what they are doing. They have some certifications from Cisco and can spin up a few common pen testing tools but they don't actually have much experiencing breaking into things and/or preventing attacks. Sony's operations and

Yeah exactly. The DSM frames weren't exactly known for their rust resistance. This solves the problem and you get a friggen V8 in the process.

GTD is a methodolgy from David Allen. Here's the book: http://www.amazon.com/Getting-Things-Done-Stress-Free-Productivity/dp/0142000280

I use a travel agent for everything and he's the man. I cannot beat his prices when I try to find equivalent arrangements via the normal travel sites. He takes care of everything for me so I can go on vacation and not worry about the details.

I doubt he also purchased his bullet proof vest and tear gas legally. Most fully automatic weapons are banned and it's extremely expensive and tedious to acquire pre-ban models legally. Colorado is no exception there. I don't know Colorado's magazine restrictions, but many states ban magazines over 10 rounds - so

I had a computer shipment delayed many years ago because of an "Overturned Truck." It showed up a week and a half later.

If they made the car in that picture you posted and it was similar in power and balance to the BRZ/FR-S, I would sell my brand new STI and pick one up.

What kind of movie theater has popcorn left at the end of the day? I feel like every theater I've gone to is struggling to pump the stuff out fast enough.

I use Things. The newest beta supports cloud sync and it's pretty awesome. Sure, it's expensive and there's many more todo apps with amazing features, but Things is simple and gets the job done without much fuss. I'm surprised more people don't use it.

The vinegar descaling process is important because without it, you ultimately get pump failure. I've salvaged a keurig machine by running multiple reservoirs of vinegar through the machine and even letting it sit over night with the vinegar in it. It's an annoying process but it's worth it in the long run to keep

Comments are way too buried in this new system. You can only see 9-10 top level comments by clicking on the avatars and accessing the rest isn't intuitive. I don't think this new system needs to be improved - I think it needs to be removed.