
I don't understand why so many people just quit their job without having a new gig lined up. I know plenty of people who've just out and quit their job because they were unhappy about something. You look much more appealing to prospective employers if you're currently employed. It also avoids a lot of questions

I haven't had a DVD drive in my laptop for nearly 2 years. I replaced it with a second HDD long ago and I have not needed the optical drive since before I can remember.

People who coast down the entrance ramp onto the highway and then stop and wait for traffic to completely clear before they merge in. Not only is this extremely annoying, it's also extremely dangerous for other people who aren't expecting some idiot to be full stopped in the middle of an entrance ramp. You have 1/4

It also costs 4x the price. Cool? Sure. Not realistic for most people though.

It was not. Similar, but not mine...

Late 90s DSMs. I had a 1997 GSX, loved it, wish I never sold it. Great looking cars, strong motors, awesome aftermarket, etc. There hasn't been an awesome 2 door AWD turbo car like the DSM since then.

Hate to break it to you - lots of oil filters use cardboard end caps for the filter medium. It's not that big of a deal.

Now playing

I'm a big fan of this one mostly because the DSM had evaded police in other states leading up to this one. The 5.0 Mustang that the voice over hypes up can barely keep up with it.

I stand corrected. How fast was that impact? Looks like it rolled over, too.

Seriously. They killed off the DSM Eclipse and replaced it with something that looks and drives like a bowl of assholes.

I'm pretty sure these did well in a front offset crash test. I'm not so sure about side impact though.

@D4Rk[ ]R41n What sort of GUI changes? The scrollbars? The rest of the interface is largely the same except for the skin. They are bringing some iOS features over to Mountain Lion, but they are mostly to bridge the feature gap and they hardly constitute iOSifying OSX - especially since those items have been adapted

I don't understand why they called it the Surface. Wasn't that the branding they used for the line of interactive tables they were showing off? How is that suddenly a tablet device now?

I've never seen so many ignorant people commenting on an article all at once. Sometimes you want to have a few beers in a place that doesn't permit it - like on a picnic in NYC where they have brutal open container laws. This would be badass for keeping attention away from yourself while you kick back a few.

A spark plug socket should just pull the plugs right out. It has some rubber or cork in the base that grips the plug. When your socket comes out, so does the plug. Is that what you're talking about? Regardless, all you really need to do is take out the airbox and the washer fluid reservoir and you should have

Oh I see. If I was doing phone support for that, I probably would have told you it needed a new top case as well. Problem is - if you broke the springs underneath or whatever then you'd have to replace the whole keyboard. It's impossible for them to determine that without sending it in. That being said, they have

Really? I'm pretty sure you don't need to do that. The engine bay in a 2.5XT is not much different from a WRX or STI and neither of those require touching the engine mounts.

I'm not a tea enthusiast and I think the tea that comes out of the k-cup machines is awful. The coffee is usually not bad and it's consistent. The tea on the other hand is not great at all.

I have a mid 15" 2009 Macbook Pro that I think I paid about $2500 for. It was a build to order with the 3.06ghz CPU. I have replaced several failed HDDs and maxed out the RAM with some aftermarket stuff. Now it has a 512GB SSD and the DVD bay has a 500GB HDD. I was thinking about the money I've spent on this and

I know multiple people who have broken multiple keys and just gotten them replaced at the Genius Bar. Usually they just do it free of charge, too. My mom had a problem with a bunch of her keys breaking and popping off on her first Macbook and after the 3rd time going in there they just gave her a brand new computer