Honestly, they are fun on any car.
If you transport your dog around, seat covers are nice to have. You can take them out, lint roll them, wash them, etc and it's easier than dragging a vacuum out to your car and cleaning the seats that are in the car. There are seat covers that match most cars' interiors and they are really nice for this sort of…
Doesn't matter if it's "Oops, I ran over that guy who was j-walking." or "Oops, I moved over because I didn't see that other car/bike/whatever and caused a fatal accident."
Not sure about where you're from, but in most civil parts of the world, we call that man slaughter.
I thought that was only if you turned it on.
Probably didn't even realize he was going that fast. You can't even hear the engine in the new M5.
Every state I've ever driven in has laws on the books and signs explaining that the left lane is for passing only.
The rims were kind of stupid, but the wide body basically constitutes fender flares and those look fine to me.
"If everyone obeyed the laws these organizations/companies would be swimming in oceans of cash."
This is definitely one of my favorite accidents of all time.
Interesting. I've never heard of that happening before. I have a Subaru though and I'm pretty sure they don't clear coat the car as part of their whole "green paint" thing.
I can't get the article to load properly, but here's all you basically need if your car is in rough shape.
Sorry, I was feeling nostalgic for my DSM this morning. It won't happen again.
I love most of the smells that come out of my car including unburnt fuel and oil. I cannot deal with gear oil though. It evokes a gag reflex I didn't know I had.
Minivan with a 3rd pedal, AWD, and a 4G63? NP even at 1 Million Dollars.
The Mustang SVO is easily one of my favorite Mustangs in history :(
I usually just run it backwards over a towel and blow it out.
I used an electric razor for 10 years. I didn't even learn to shave with a regular razor until after I got married.
I wonder if that was like a valet or something like that dicking around with the car.