
Who cares? They are metal collar stays. Not exactly uncommon.

I wouldn't use an adjustable wrench for anything under the hood of a car. The chances of you rounding off a bolt or a nut are far too great. Most of the nuts and bolts in a car that you're working on are going to be torqued from the factory and/or rusty and seized. Having a solid contact on the nut or bolt is a

Depends on the car. Cobb Tuning has a bunch of tools for tuning your car, but they only support certain makes and models.

Chances are if I answer the phone and I'm driving, I'm ignoring you unless you have a life threatening emergency.

This is so dumb. I was on Metro North this morning and there were people coming into the city to go to the Apple Store in Grand Central. Why? Why would you make life miserable for people trying to commute so that you can go look in a store that is selling things that you already have in your house?

I use a Das Keyboard without any lettering on it. It forced me to become a better touch typer and eliminated most of the wrist pain and carpal tunnel flare ups I used to get. I used to use one of those aluminum apple keyboards but the feedback is terrible and as a consequence you wind up pounding away on them and

A lot of the anti-virus apps for Macs are actually scanning for Windows viruses. You know, like malware embedded in various downloads, documents, etc. Just because you can't get infected with malware on a Mac doesn't mean you can't accidentally pass it on.

@FERNO - Agreed. It's easy to get 400 whp if you're not an idiot. It's not as simple as just slapping on a catback, MBC, and an SSQV and calling it a day. A turbo back and an off the shelf tune from Cobb will net you +24% HP (approx 354) and anything else there will require some thought and planning. Throw on a

Actually only in the US. In Japan, the 2.0L motor in the STI is very solid.

Someone who knows enough to make 400HP out of an Evo also knows enough to not run a vented HKS SSQV like this individual is doing.

I made everyone get Macs. Now I don't have this problem anymore. In the rare case that someone has a problem, I tell them to take it to the Genius Bar. I want to spend my holidays visiting my family, not fixing computers.

The NYC department of sanitation still has garbage trucks with plows. I saw a few of them driving around last year.

It doesn't matter. The government shouldn't have a hand in this stuff anyway.

It doesn't matter - Schumer and Gillibrand are Democrats and they've received some of the highest donations from those that support this bill. You can't tell me they aren't going to want to vote for this.

In New York City, police have already raided numerous hardware stores for selling generic folding knives. They claim that these are "gravity knives" and therefore illegal. This stuff is already happening.

The myths of AWD are some of my favorite. Most cars and trucks on the road today shouldn't even be labeled AWD. They should be labeled "Mostly FWD With Occasional AWD-Like Tendencies." It could be called MFWDWOAWDLT. If people can deal with WRX STI Spec-C then they can deal with MFWDWOAWDLT.

The nail file is for fixing your nails after you go to town on them with the scissors. Also, I've used the file for fixing small sections of plastic - like poorly fitting laptop and cellphone cases.

Sorry, but not even my mom would drive that. It looks like a fat kid on wheels.

If you never connect your phone to WiFi then, sure. My phone is always connected to WiFi at home and at the office so that's not really an option.

Do you have a link to this?