Why? I'd rather have the JDM 2.0L with twinscroll turbo and 8k redline. Sure, it makes less power but it's a more stout block and can handle the abuse far better than the motor the rest of the world gets.
Why? I'd rather have the JDM 2.0L with twinscroll turbo and 8k redline. Sure, it makes less power but it's a more stout block and can handle the abuse far better than the motor the rest of the world gets.
Acceptable? Sure. Does that mean I'm going to listen to it? Nope.
People love to give their cats dry food because it helps bust up hair balls and keeps them from yaking on your carpet.
Except when you get hit by a car and your iPhone is blown to smithereens.
Same here. For the past year and a half I've been gaining weight, with most of it piling on over this past summer. I'm usually fairly slim but my body started putting fat on in weird spots and since I have not been taking care of myself my overall energy level has been in the toilet. About a month ago I was driving…
Want something sweet? Drink some water. Keep that up and eventually you stop craving sweet things.
Just a thought, but maybe when his original car was stolen it was scrapped and sold for parts. This particular car might just have a block or something else that was from Neeley's original car. With the VINs being switched and mucked around with, there's no way to tell for sure.
If you're going to infuse vodka, I'd use a mason jar. You really want a tight seal.
Didn't Volkswagen do something like this with the Rabbit?
I also have one and it's worth every penny. Pefect elevation, solid design, and it doesn't shake when you slam your desk in fits of coder-rage.
$9 is way too much for something like this. Maybe $5? I got Little Snitch for $15. If you keep an eye out for sales you can scoop up a license for a great price. It's well worth it.
I'm using the iOS app.
I do this all the time with stinky tupperwares. It takes a few days for the smell to go away completely, but it works every time.
I have only tried the WakeMate and I continue to use it today. It's comfortable and I do wake up when it goes off, for the most part. I have found that I sleep better when I'm exercising regularly, and I do not wake up with less than 6 hours of sleep. At 7 hours of sleep I'm totally refreshed. Also, if I drink…
Did you even read the article? That's not what it's about.
Right, but they didn't. Heck, the GM release of Lion was out 3 weeks ago - the exact same build that is in the App Store today. They could have figured it out then, but in typical Adobe fashion… they didn't.
Spaces is still there and it works better with trackpads. Mission Control is just like expose except organized. I don't see what the problem is.
Prices would probably go down if companies stopped dumping oil in the ocean.
I don't put any milk/sugar in my coffee. Good properly brewed coffee isn't bitter. If you're drinking crappy coffee then that's why you're not waking up with it.
If receipts work for you, more power to ya. I just hop online and look at my statements.