
I'm with you there, but the OP's point is you'll have a smaller payment with the 3 yr loan if you slap down a larger down payment. Longer loans typically have higher interest rates. When I just bought my car I had the choice of 5yrs at 2.9% or 3yrs at 1.9%. Since I was trading in a car and giving some cash, my

When I was running an aggressive tune on my STI I would log gas from unknown gas stations to check for pinging. Some gas stations dish out 93 that runs like 91. I dunno if this is from cross pollution between the tanks or lying about octane ratings. In any case, I've found Sunoco stations to be the best quality

I bought it a while ago. It's fairly buggy but it looks like the developers are responsive. All in all it's nice to have.

Ping times are measured after the DNS lookup. It doesn't matter what DNS server you use.

Once you've initiated the download, the connection is IP based. For long downloads this won't make a difference.

If I recall correctly, it did not fall in pwn2own... that sounds pretty serious in terms of security.

Really? Firebug has been nothing but crap for me. The GUI is just cumbersome. Webkit's developer tools just work.

I just use spotlight to search for it.

I've found that if there is a piece of software from a developer that I find to be expensive all I need to do is ask for a discount. More often than not they will be happy to give it. I use a lot of open source software but sometimes I happen upon a piece of paid software I could do without, yet, still really like.

If only there was a way to automate this process with some sort of machine that heats the water and then pours it through the coffee grounds and filter for you.

You can get it to play in order by unchecking the preference that says "play through search results." I have my regular iTunes list sorted by artist and then by album so it works just fine.

Large text hurts my eyes over longer periods of time. The higher the resolution the better as far as I'm concerned.

Where did you get your dock background?

Even more annoying than the crap results is how Google doesn't actually search for the stuff I've entered. This makes it useless for most programming related problems.

Bayer back and body has caffeine in it as well. Should be enough to get the ball rolling for most hangovers.

I don't understand why they don't see all of these mailing list harvesting sites as exact copies of the origin.

Isn't it called a Swiffer?

@imajoebob: The seller tried to contact the other bidders and they all declined.

@daveywest: I just moved into a place where a good half of the chain is paper clips. They keep getting stuck/twisted though so I think I'm going to replace the whole thing.

@icy_one: If you paid for Angry Birds, then your user/pass and contacts are being sent to 3rd parties.