
Vote: Textmate

@Calrekabooki: Never thought to do it with a gas pump. Thanks for that.

@kyre: I yank on the card reader and use my wallet to cover the pin pad while I enter my number. Even if somehow the skimmer was stuck on there really good, they won't see my pin.

@wygit: I know Discover has a card generator that gives you a single use account number. I use it all the time. The only time it sucks is when you buy something online and then try to return it to the store because they usually won't let you return it.

@Sesheron: Every time I've tried to run this thing, it's given me load issues.

@kyokan: He only makes $1 a year.

@phoneboy101: You missed about 30 steps before you get to the "just works" part. I have to read through a wizard to get setup, figure out how to navigate a non-native interface, learn new terms, then wait for the application to re-launch, stare at a splash screen while the application loads... Once I determined I'd

I just installed it to see how it compares to dropbox. To be totally candid: It sucks. Dropbox has a drop dead simple implementation on OS X and SugarSync totally blows my mind at how irritating it is to use. They introduce new concepts like "Magic Briefcase" that cause friction and require explanation.

I have a moleskin and it's nice, but I honestly prefer a standard marble notebook.

@amolad: I believe it was a shotgun in a trunk. There were like 18 shotguns hidden around the house. When they were cleaning the house after the incident they only found 17 of them.

@pandaSmore: The Dell Mini 10v works great as a hackintosh.

@jwalker: iChat with Chax is actually quite nice.

@Mosaick: Why? It's a great browser. I'm surprised so few people use it.

Tried it and the interface was so unbearably laggy I had to get rid of it.

I love this setup but I wish there was a better way to do the bracing. I had a similar arrangement a few years ago and the middle kept sagging since that's where my keyboar was and consequently one of the highest stress points on the desk. Maybe this will work better?

@brillow: Some people just use the number keys at the top of the keyboard.

@synth7: Yes if you have the SSSS on your ticket then you are getting "randomly" screened. It happens to me maybe 1/3 times I fly. I don't fly very often either.

@urpwnd: Actually, what happens, is USPS just discards the brick. It's supposedly a huge annoyance for them too. Don't do that.

I used to have this problem with my Black Macbook a few years ago. I found the radtech screensaverz actually do a really awesome job at preventing and cleaning up oily messes. When I would close the lid, it would leave marks on my screen from hand oil on the keys. The cloth is cut such that it makes a barrier