
@Fiesta: I never found any good replacement on Windows for Sage, but NetNewsWire is a great alternative on OS X if you're using a Mac.

@ri59: I had someone do that to me at the start of a 9 hour flight recently. My wife looked back and saw him holding the seat. I played stupid, looked back as he was removing his hands from the seat back, and asked him if there was something behind my seat that was preventing me from reclining slightly. He said

If they had a decent BlackBerry application then I'd pay the $25 a year.

@greg12: I was unable to buy an equivalent PC to my 15" Macbook Pro. Less than an inch thick, dual graphics cards (one for play, one for power savings), flush glass display, 3.06ghz, incredible battery life, etc etc. A similarly spec'd PC laptop would have saved me maybe $100 and would have been missing out on all of

@khartster: Yep. I think that was probably my final purchase with my student discount.

@muchdrama: I just ran the sunspider tests and FF4 B1 was actually around 1.5x slower than Chrome Dev channel on my MBP. Safari still beats both of them on my system.

I'm not seeing anything local.

@gifpaste: Window resizing with the mouse is annoying. Try Divvy or SizeUp.

@davanw: That and us web developers also have to test that terrible browser and it's really annoying that we also have to do it with VMWare.

@Benguin: No. It's still going to bang your CPU until Adobe gets their act together.

@skilledone: It was a play on a quote attributed to Bill Gates..

Who would ever need more than 4GB of RAM?

This wasn't an issue in 10.5.x. Keep reporting it as a bug to Apple bug tracker. It's been all over Apple's support forums.

@Matthew Urso: That is hands down the most annoying thing. It's taken me forever to resolve that.

VOTE: KeePass

@EnzoFX: Check out SizeUp.

If you've just got a desk full of Macs, then try out Teleport. It's like Synergy in concept but works much better in practice.

@gthing: Thank you for that. I was trying to remember what that Mac only app was called the other day.

Funny, I was looking for something like this. The capslock light has never worked on my aluminum keyboard and this might be just the thing I need.

I got it from Macheist but I'm hesitant to use it. Can anyone tell me what the performance hit is for using this on like your movies or music library?