
This is terrible for Smith, but on the bright side, this is a perfect opportunity to sign a quarterback who’s out of the league right now, and has been involved in his share of controversy, but could really turn a team around with his level of play.

Nobody tells Judge Roy Moore how to live his life

Me too. I’ve already cleared my schedule for November so I can continue to volunteer for the campaign if there’s a runoff. I hope there isn’t one but, as tired as we are, we aren’t stopping. We are working through today knocking on doors and will resume Wednesday if necessary. (Although, I’d much rather spend my

I don’t live in GA, but I have a friend-of-friend who does who is just the WORST; he voted for Trump, continues to support him, called Dr. Blasey-Ford a liar, actively supports Brian Kemp. To keep my sanity, I started donating to Stacey Abrams’ campaign every time he posts something shitty and racist on Facebook. 

go to satco. you won’t regret it. 

I sincerely believe he keeps on doing it just to make a name for himself outside of his rapist uncle, Bill Crosby.

they couldn’t pull off the two-point conversion they elected to go for instead of the game-tying field goal.

At least four points on a two-game trip?

The worst part about this was listening to Massive Doofus(TM) Cris Collinsworth laugh about how funny it was versus the reality that the coddling of quarterbacks have made defensive linemen head cases.

This comment aged well.

“Your father being a sportswriter, is there a lot of shame in that?”

He looks so full of life, and pcp

I get “Back Here” stuck in my head all the damn time.  Love it. 

You never, ever in your life call Elton John: whats his name?? you idiot you.

Fun non-criminal but definitely dumb Duncan Hunter fact: In the indictment, he’s quoted as saying “Tell the Navy they can go fuck themselves.”

That there is an intern having his revenge.

Go fuck your own face

On the shot of him walking over the massive adoring crowd at 18, I half-expected him to break into a rousing rendition of “Don’t Cry For Me, Argentina.”

I wish Nike would come up with a set of clubs called Tiger Irons.

Especially since in our economy the people who work the hardest are often the people who are paid the least. The janitor in your building likely works much harder than your average office drone, but no amount of “working harder” is going to get them paid the same wage, and it certainly ain’t going to make him as rich