It’s fruit that got so high it lost a d.
It’s fruit that got so high it lost a d.
It’s a rock with an apple inside.
I live in Alabama and grew up on banana and mayo sandwiches. They’re delicious.
Besides the taste and texture, what’s so bad about bananas?
is it cheeze made from DEEZ NUTZ?
NOT CHEESE. I’d rather be dead than eat vegan “cheese.”
Look at this. The putrid spent Halloween candle can’t even look Obama in the eye. Like a dog that knows he’s fucked up when his owner comes back home.
Yup. List of major cities in the south whose counties voted democratic:
It’ll never end, but Deadspin is sleeping on the couch for awhile.
OK there is no way you guys aren’t shading the bro-chads over at Deadspin. And I agree with the shade. Few things more obnoxious than aloof white boys whose aloofness is courtesy of them having no skin in a game that could end with a white supremacist in the oval office.
I was surprised reading some of that nonsense.
<3 u Jezzies!!! Thank you for showing those shitbags at Deadspin how it's done. (Ley, Drew, Jordan and ladies excepted.)
I believe “Because we aren’t fucking idiots.” turns it from potential shade to straight reading.
Shade? Shade.
(Has no penis and isn’t the daughter I want to have sex with)
They give out these in Georgia when you turn in your voting card:
You can make get out the vote phone calls from home (I think, I haven’t double checked) :)
I am too. For awhile I felt weird talking about how terrified I am that we could vote Trump in. No one else around me seemed all that bothered about the election, and everyone who is bothered, are pro-Trump. Everyone panicking online has really helped me feel less crazy.
I know, I’m half joking/half guilting all my friends and family who ask what I want for my birthday or what I want to do. I’m like, well....go vote for Hillary and I will be happy! Easiest gift in the world!