But is it worse than "I like cats"?
But is it worse than "I like cats"?
Also do not ever date anyone who treats you like a steak, let alone marry them.
Note to self, talk to my doctor to make sure this never happens to me. I don't care if they let a toddler loose to play in the room, I want that plug pulled. This has been a nightmare of mine since hearing about Karen Quinlan. (I think that is how her last name is spelled)
I grew up before vaccines were available. My class got the polio vaccine mixed with orange juice. I had measles, mumps, rubella. I was lucky and I didn't get meningitis, just some scars. As an adult I get the flu vaccine. I think over-population is largely because of vaccines.
I need soap and water to clean my eyes and what can I do to get Driscoll and his words and ideas out of my brain.
#3 Jeffrey Dean Morgan, yummy and delish, but not nutritious.
Dear demon sighting singer, My sister used to see demons after not sleeping for days because of all the crack she smoked. She has since stopped smoking crack and is no longer seeing demons.
Hedda.Gabler If you have no health insurance in this country and you need an operation they bill you for it. The surgeon, the nurses, lab tests everything comes out of your pocket. A friend of mine went home the next day after having a breast removed because she had no insurance.
These two are like the parents Stephie Sandwich and Eric wish they had
I could understand the fuzzy not thinking like a rational person if Stephie the Sandwich was a teenager and she and Eric were in the throes of new/first love, but she isn't. She is in her thirties and a legal adult. ARGHHHHHHH. Eric don't marry her she might be stupid. Stephie Sandwich don't marry Eric unless you…
If there is one thing I know about men- most of them can not imagine a girl won't eventually have sex with them. They think if they buy a good enough present, drive a fancy enough car, enough booze and or other drugs they will get some. Hey fellas the truth is she know inside of 10 mins. on the date if she will…
Shemane Nugent, just divorce the asswipe. There is no need to punish yourself with a felony arrest and conviction.
Special K is an example of diet cereal. There are more but I like oatmeal or Golden Grams so I don't know them.
That gif of Depp- one of the best movies I have seen in a long while. I' going to watch is some more. Thank you.
Johnny Depp and James Gandalfini both 51. Although to me, Gandalfini looked 51 for the past 20 years.
Then you know the looks I get when I want water. Everybody is all "She wants water?!" I could understand if I wanted imported water but I like tap water.
This idea is not new. I remember my grandmother had a selection of what were then called "night jackets". The first one for my mother was very beautiful but by the time the 8th baby was born, not so much.
Thank you for letting me know about Gulp. Don't you just love her titles.
I don't know of a 13 yr. old anybody that buys their own underwear. By the time a person is old enough to be willing to buy their own underwear with their own money they are old enough to wear what they want. This is the phoniest hullabaloo ever.
Mary Roach is my favorite non-fiction writer, she is gross and funny.