Civil liberties are for rich white people.
Civil liberties are for rich white people.
Rand,PP also does pregnancy care. Do you really want to push women’s health care to third world levels?
I didn’t even know they still made Wonderbread. That stuff is nasty.
Some of the commentaries are so good, you could almost learn to direct a movie.
I have seen this show a few times and I love it. The only thing,what day and time is it on? ABC is not my go to station,so I don’t know.
You remove it when you are finished,or you can wait until morning,you wash it then blot it dry with a paper towel, and you put away until you need it again.
I can’t stand V.V.,but,much to my surprise he is good here.
I hope he dies screaming. Was that David Morse?
I haven’t had sex in over a decade, and I have forgotten who gets tied up, and I can say without a doubt NO. My privates would scream at me to “make the scary man go away.”
IKR. It’s like saying “I need a friend.” is as controversial as Louis CK’s SNL monologue. Just for the record Jezebel, a lot of women feel the same way.
The first handful of her show had Mindy Lahari’s friends in it. The show improved immensely when they stopped trying to shoe horn them in.
I’m cool with flowers,just don’t send roses. I love roses, but if a guy gives me roses I think he is confessing to something terrible. A beautiful painting of flowers (even roses) gets you triple points in my book.
But is the RUM supply still safe.
Yeah, there is nothing like a beautiful bouquet of flowers kept in the fridge, or locked in the bedroom to make a person feel special.
Happy day to ya’.
My DH thinks eating duck is “weird.’
When I was nine one of the older cousins made me peanut butter toast. I pitched a fit because she made a “smile face” with the peanut butter. She then spread it together by smashing the eyes, which made it worse. An adult came in to see why I was acting up. The adult had to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich…
Two questions. 1.Kwanzaa cake? 2.Bone broth? Is bone broth soup w/o the veggies/meat/noodles/rice?
He was also homophobic, which was common for a man of his time and class.