
I think one of the worse examples of the double standard is when women speak. A man and a woman will speak on the same topic and express similar opinions, the woman is mocked or ignored and the man lauded. In politics the woman is questioned about her hair, clothes and cookies. The man is asked about policy and

To be honest I wouldn't mind making $4 a word on my twitter account.

Zooey Deschanel needs to fire who ever said that was a good dress. It might be worse than the condom dresses.

The birth control pills are preventive medications. Pregnancy is a medical condition. Insurance companies pay for preventive medications.

For a change it's a republican NOT talking about rape and a woman's body shutting that down. Republicans could learn to sit down and eat their vegetables.

The poor guy. He was most likely overwhelmed by the sheer awesomeness and grand impressiveness of being so close to a daunting breathtaking beauty such as KimK. All those feelings inside of him caused him to fall to his knees and curl up and then he had to close his eyes in self-protection. True Story.

I would do that too, and I don't like french fries.

I told people I can't bear children. I wish I had thought of that answer when I was in my 20's. I can't bear them for more than a few hours, so, not a lie

ugh, yick, yuck. gross. for some reason I thought it was a vanity board.

Do you know what product/service they were trying to sell?

Mark Vonnegut, a good story teller,too. When I was young I tried to live my life that way. And now that I am old and gray I think hard times and sticky situations are God's dancing lessons.

Those are two cute pets.

I am glad you told us who Taylor "Panda" Momsen is and what show she acts in.

I shall get a government grant to confirm or deny the study from Japan,

Bottom line condoms cost a buck vs. a trip to the dr.'s office 100 dollars, a scrip for antibiotics 10 with the co-pay and then taking said pills. I know you can get a shot but I am allergic to the drugs in the shot. Personal safety is what counts.

I can not stand SVU or Miami CSI. But CSI is cause of the one I call "slow talking, sun glasses OCD, red headed fool.

And people wonder why I call Mickey D' food poison food. It does appear they are trying to elevate their food to junk food.

I am one of those freaks of nature that love candy corn. And if somebody put a gun to my cat's head and made me decide "eat the candy corn oreo or you cat gets it." I would pet my cat and tell him goodbye. You ate that thing and I don't have to, thank you.

I like my candy corn straight up, please. I like candy corn kept separate from Oreos. I am a candy separatist. (unless it is in a soft serve ice cream treat, still no candy corn.

Just a guess -multicultural marketing=bartending and partied her ass off. Just a guess and I am not accusing her of anything.