When my little nephew picks his nose I ask him if he is digging for gold. How I love that little gold digger,
When my little nephew picks his nose I ask him if he is digging for gold. How I love that little gold digger,
I am glad you got out of that line of work alive, and seem to be doing very well.
I always thought if I had a baby I would breast feed, it just seemed easier. But I never had a baby.
Before there was formula when a mother could not produce milk for her baby they used a wet nurse. She was often a poor woman with a nursing child herself.
why can't guys remember what they have been taught since they were babies: Keep your hands to yourself. I have known this to happen in hallways.
I like football and boxing, my husband likes the "girl gymnastics". If they had Greco-Roman wresting (other than the Olympics) on tv I would watch that, too.
in re : Kim Kardashian and Kanye I suggest a new theme song for them "Give me Three Steps" by Lenard Skynard.