
I’ll bite. Name any “talent” Kim Kardashian possesses that can’t be directly attributed to her mother’s handling of her image.

Or... it’s a coincidence? Jesus Christ, people.

Who knew Jezebel could become even more preachy and insufferable after Lindy West left?

Can none of you dumb fuckers IMDB?

Maybe you shouldn’t publicly comment on jokes until you understand how humor and context work.

“the sturdy comfort of lovable Democrats dealing with a disaster capably”

Yeah, I can see why you’d have to turn to a work of fiction to find that. 

If you “ship” any two fictional characters, you probably need to be “shipped” off to some kind of boot camp to have the twee knocked out of you.

Yes, someone who disagrees with the herd is obviously a troll.

I thought hippie dipshits treating NoDAPL like it was Burning Man was already an issue.

If someone from that dumb, overhyped piece of crap is your hero, you need help.

Because they think she’s owed the presidency.

Who knew spending the entire campaign courting the moderate Republican vote while disenfranchising and vilifying the left wasn’t a viable campaign strategy?

But he wasn’t involved in something interesting.

I’m not sure what to take from this other than Pewdiepie is an idiot, and I already knew that.

Maybe now idiots will quit saying Kim is a feminist icon.

Way to police women’s expressions, Jezebel. How very feminist of you.

At no point is appearance discussed in that exchange. You are assuming it’s because of his appearance, and frankly, jumping to that conclusion is extremely lookist on your part, and I am offended on the behalf of internet scolds everywhere.

“I still feel like if somebody posted ‘tl;dr but totally fuck these people’, they wouldn’t catch any flack/banhammer...”

You’re not wrong.


This is a shitty comic book movie from a studio that has been batting .250 for a while.

Irony Twitter has ruined me to the point where I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.