the writing here is bottom of the barrel celebrity gossip with a hint of melanin to differentiate it from Jezebel.
the writing here is bottom of the barrel celebrity gossip with a hint of melanin to differentiate it from Jezebel.
Hey man, don’t make me defend Just Friends.
The OP dismissed my comments so I’m just going to repost them here in case he dismisses them again:
Noticed you dismissed my comments. Don’t worry I’ll gladly repost them:
It’s truly rich considering Secretary/Senator Clinton helped rig the 2016 primary and elevate Trump with her pied piper strategy which was well documented. She should be on an apology tour or at least spare us her sanctimonious outrage as a result of her own unbridled narcissism. The four hour hagiography of her…
The AV Club:
They gotta make more reviews of shows they give C-'s every week of course.
It seems like he may have ranked them first and assigned points afteewards to justify the ranking
How about the mistake of buying a series of websites and then somehow through complete incompetence and malice flushed their popularity down the toilet?
Can’t shitbag Bernie down to tenth without all the other wannabes.
She’s not the fucking president moron
I like how a site that thinks South Park and Rick and Morty are the heights of comedy are suddenly clutching their pearls over “crassness” when it comes from a woman.
Much like the bearded guy from Stone brewery, in theory I’d like to side with her, but the fact it’s her makes it difficult.
It’s a good sign for a supposedly truth-telling news outlet to start off by blocking a fellow journo on tweeter simply for asking a question about them.
I vehemently disagree with almost everything you just said. It’s all so wrong I dont even know where to begin!
If you don’t think Hillary isn’t the most bought candidate than I have a bridge to sell you. #sorryyoureillinformed
Given your persuasive argument, it is settled then. I did briefly consider though that a stereotype can be just a fallacy without encouraging hate.