
“There is zero danger of the biker falling or breaking the panels...”

Pass. I won’t support this if there isn’t a danger of cyclists injuring themselves on material shards.

“Artist Accidentally Cuts Self with Own Edge”

Gosh, who could have ever guessed that that picture might violate the ToU? I’m sure Arca posted that picture with absolutely no idea that it would be controversial, and is shocked — SHOCKED, I tell you — at the attention it received.

You watch the most horrifying movies ever made, and you refuse to watch ghosts. I AM SCOWL. >:(

It’s also an inexhaustible supply of ill-thought-out, far left wing, young person outrage that unironically clings to every right wing pundit’s straw liberal stereotype.

Did you get lost traveling back and forth between Jezebel and Tumblr?

Your delusions are both hilarious and sad. Keep honing those interview skills, because I imagine you’ll need them often.

Maybe you just come off as an abrasive asshole, and we’re all rolling our eyes at your unwarranted self-importance.

I’m saying get used to eating cold Alpo from a can if that’s your interview technique, Special Snowflake.

No, that’s mostly clean living.

Nothing’s more feminist than snottily accusing one another of not being the right kind of feminist. Seriously, fuck you.

You have issues, and should stay away from humanity at large. The wilderness is your friend.

I’m pretty sure it was actually really fucking stupid to take this matter this seriously.

“...she’s certainly not the same kind of feminist that we tend to like here on Jezebel.”

People on Jezebel like things? When did this start?

I personally hope she slaps your ass to the bottom of the grays and you never find your way back out, after giving her such a snotty, undeserved comment.

Twitter is exactly like Tumblr, if you stumble into some of its more annoying alleys.

This reminds me of the third season of Veronica Mars, when people at the TWoP Forums were complaining about the “over-the-top” depiction of the campus feminists. I was like, “Have you never met a campus activist before?”

For other examples of feminism devouring itself, look no further than the grotesque Meghan Murphy, and her never-ending TERF war.

Gross. Those stupid kids should never have been allowed in that restaurant.

Yes, nothing says “fun for the whole family” like a lecture on abortion.