Listening to the police scanner in your area sure does give you plenty of opportunities to "save" something.
Listening to the police scanner in your area sure does give you plenty of opportunities to "save" something.
I Will say this though, I've never dated nor slept with anyone in AA, and never will. I don't get deeply involved in AA society because I go there for recovery from alcoholism, not to get fucked by someone as deeply fucked up (or worse) than myself.
I have zero time for debating prats with burner accounts.
Get online, or and start a group, I'm serious. Activities, groups, organizations start because you know, someone started them. I'm sure you're not the only addict that feels this way. Try it, you might be surprised at how many people show up.
So create a better group if you hate it so much. I, a raging feminist atheist, Love AA and credit the program that I barely apply to keeping me sober for 7 years. There are other groups though, SMART recovery, SOS (Save Our Selves) recover, etc etc. Try one of those maybe?
What exactly is the point of this and the last article slamming AA? Would you like to discourage women alcoholics from seeking help there? Because if you are, fuck you. I'll have 7 years in 8 days due to AA and if I read at a table from the book, I change the pronouns and no one gives a shit. I'm always treated…
Damn that looks good. I miss NY.
Seriously!!! Lucky bastards.
I have to wash my hair every single fucking day. I have curly, fine hair so dry shampoo is out, and my scalp feels gross and dirty and skeevy and FUCK THIS I HAVE TO WASH MY HAIR NOW.
Jaw. Drop. Who watches this trash!!!
I want to smash this motherfucker's face in with a crowbar. But I won't because fuck him, he's not worth it.
Fuck a suit. Give me a man in a blue work shirt every day of the week and twice on Sundays Baby. Damn I love manufacturers.
You call it a protocol, others call it a fad diet and nothing more.
Or you know, don't. My rent hasn't increased from 425 flat in more than 4 years and I love my place, plus it includes all maintenance and utilities. I'm not throwing away jack. I'm sure I'll eventually buy a home or condo, but not right now, there's no point!
Great article, though the intermittent fasting thing is complete hogwash.
Oh look, a study based on 12 Men. Pardon while I disregard this completely. Pass the pancakes.
:) Everyone should be happy with their hair. The fact is, Uma had a professional do this to her mane, it might be a lot more complicated for all I know. I do know that sometimes it takes a few tries to get a new hairstyle right, or the addition of styling product.
:( Aww. Maybe try it one more time with a different styling product like a balm or lotion of some type? Not sure what type of hair you have though...
LOL. Now I feel old. Dammit!
Haha lol! Definitely not on purpose! I prefer breasts!