
if I had to pick a charity I thought would accept it, I'd pick PETA.

idk if everyone has to have seen a thing for things to exist, nothing exists because some people are blind.

The fact that he began his apology with "From my fear" makes me think that he still doesn't want to accept full responsibility for murdering her. He had no reason to be fearful in the first place - doesn't he understand that?!!

Good on the Prostate Cancer Foundation. This just proves to me that I could never be mature enough to run a charity though, because I could not restrain myself from adding "and you're all a bunch of dicks" then run away giggling.

It's like he's out to prove he's humorless. We know, Kanye! You don't have to keep doing it!

Definitely. And Nasim Pedrad's Kim impression is magical as well!

I'd argue that Jay Pharoah's impersonation of Kanye has done more for the world than the real Kanye. I love the ridiculousness of the parody. But that's just me.

God, Kanye West always seems like that guy you avoid getting into conversation with because you he'll never shut the fuck up. Always about himself.

This is getting scary that you can be charged/prosecuted for having a miscarriage. If your body doesn't cooperate like it *should* and carry the fetus to term, be prepared to suffer consequences. As if you can even prevent a miscarriage or that a teenager would know what to do in that situation.

I don't think people hate her sticking her tongue out because we want to police her. We hate it because she's a fucking adult acting like a catholic school girl trying to rebel and it's immature and annoying as hell. If you're going to do big girl things, act like one. I seriously dare you to do that all day at work

The Calum Hood situation is totally different from the leaked celebrity pictures. Calum was intentionally sending that video, unsolicited, to girls/women he didn't know, which is sexual harassment. So one girl decided that if he wanted a lot of strangers to see his dick, she'd help him out and published it. She was


Studies also show that people on the internet make up lots of arguments when they don't like the reality of a situation, like the fact that no matter what quantity or percentage of abuse men receive (which should be weighted against the % of comments they leave), they do not receive the type of vitriol and violent

My son's kindergarten teacher "suggested" my son should get a haircut. I suggested she mind her business. I'm polite like that. But if THIS had happened, politeness would have turned into scorched earth.

For real. This makes it sound like she died (perhaps drowned during the photoshoot) and they removed it "out of respect". Screw that - if you're worried about respect, use the original image. GAHHHHH!!!!!

Hell yes! Good for her! I love that she's all "NOT OK. I'm a size 8, not a 4 bitches." She just became pretty much my favorite model/celebrity person. And she's beautiful as a size 8. :)

The photo would be removed out of respect?!? How about, the photo will be reposted in its original condition out of respect?

Hmm. So that's what it would look like if a person had no hip bone.