
Agreed. Communism has done more to exploit the working class than capitalism ever has.

> “Build a factory, place a Pal in it, and they’ll keep working as long as they’re fed—until they’re dead, that is,” reads a real sentence found on the game’s Steam page.

I don’t see the issue with devs swapping genres. I think a lot of studios have done so successfully. But yeah if it’s motivated by the executives, it’s probably not gonna turn out well.

pokemon is already a capitalist take on pokemon. the trainer captures a bunch of animals and through exploitation of the animals labor, often to the point of being beaten unconscious, the trainer gains wealth, power, prestige.

well their gimmick is sure to draw in a ton of people. They’ll have a huge opportunity to succeed or fail. That’s more then a lot of indie devs get.

Come on remake of The Fate of Atlantis!

No, Unity has been making losses for nearly the entirety of its existance - this was the majority reason for changing its pricing model in the first place

I don’t disagree, but that’s endemic of corporate culture in general and not primarily the video game industry. Video game and tech companies are standing out because they swelled their ranks during the pandemic, when everybody and their mother were shoving all their luxury money on stuff that could be used during

long-term success and profitability”

Doom 2016 is miles ahead of Doom Eternal

The way Insomniac kick off all their games is truly incredible. Straight into the mechanics and the traversal is always fun. other games that had me hooked like that were TitanFall 2, Returnal and Sekiro.

I’ll say it is there strongest on every stand point. Best Old Gods Song, best character, best gameplay, best architecture, best gameplay loop, best use of live action (Trench’s OoP bits still beat everything in AW2)

Although I love BG3 I get people bouncing off of it. Sure, there’s the RNG element.

It seems like they looked at the enduring popularity of Skyrim and thought “We just need to keep giving players more spaces to run around in and the modders will take care of creating replayability” and never considered that players need to love the world they created before they will feel that level of passion for

“Considering how unexpectedly weird and different most Nintendo consoles are from the previous ones, I don’t put a lot of stock in analysis that says “the same, but more powerful”.

This game is mid. Many better RPGs from that era on PC.

Most people aren’t familiar with neo-nazi rhetoric and symbology. Hell most people are only even vaguely aware that neo-nazis are actually a real thing that actually exists.

>The stardew valley Dev learned how to draw all those sprites.

So...can I use the argument for all these electro musicians that play whole riffs with a press of a button, mix it with just some slides, imitate instruments with just a switch on some board that they programmed on a PC? 
Without putting even one finger on a string, able to play whole songs on a “guitar” or switch in