Yeah, likewise. Just never saw the value in PvE in a game like this.
Yeah, likewise. Just never saw the value in PvE in a game like this.
Let’s not forget that FO3 has a terrible RNG problem (exactly like Morrowind before it) that made it frustrating for no good reason. FO1 and FO2 had RNG because they were turn based and it fit into the genre at the time. In FO3 you could be right next to an NPC aim down the scope of a sniper rifle and the bullet had a…
There was clear hunger for PVE content for Overwatch, but i’d agree that couple of story missions with “built for PVP” kits against bots is not really worth it. I really enjoyed the first 3 story missions, but tbh neither of them were special, and the audience is not logging in to play against AI.
A game more akin to Vermintide/Darktide with character powers and weapons designed for PvE could have had potential to be amazing. Reusing the existing Overwatch was absolutely a mistake. I was skeptical since the Overwatch 2 announcement due to my experiences with the anniversary missions: mildly fun but an ill fit.
I felt like OW1's success was so high at the time, they should’ve tuned out the PvE crowd who, like you said, would play through it once and likely never again.
That said, if you don’t try and adhere to what makes the original so beloved then you’re not going to make anyone happy.
Like the thing about Fallout specifically is that “pleasing the fans” depends a lot on “which fans”. A whole lot of people like Fallout and their entry to the series was Fallout 3. A smaller, but no less vocal, proportion of Fallout fans *hate* Fallout 3 and have only softened on it because they hate Fallout 4 more.
If the show/movie is great then that’s all that matters. Some die hard fans will gripe but that’ll be very few. If it’s not good people will play the blame game and scream at everything from woke, to story decisions, to writing, etc.
So is making statements like that. Why say anything at all if you’re just trying to annoy people?
That being said, he’s not wrong, and fandoms/fans have made the media they consume not just a part of their life, but their whole identity. I would never want to work on an established fandom.
What do you mean "until"? SovCit twits make up a disproportionately large percentage of people who shoot at cops during traffic stops
SteamDB has an extension that lists lowest normal sale price and if you click it shows you how many times its been on sale.
Also weird take of “things go on sale so why bother buying them when they’re on sale when you can just wait for another sale”
I think the opening snowy section is enough to ensure I never replay that game again.
It’s a matter of making the article come up in searches more. People google Baldur’s Gate 3, way more than Forgotten Realms. I imagine the hope is for the article to appear in searches for “Games likes Baldur’s Gate 3", or similar.
My understanding is they aren’t a hypocrite if they only dislike the Epic store, and not Epic themselves. Sure, Epic owns the store and they own the engine, but them buying games that use the engine in no way interfaces with the store itself. Hell, you could buy a game on a console that would normally be an Epic Store …
I guess mentioning BG3 in the title gets more clicks than “set in the Forgotten Realms,” huh? It has nothing to do with BG3 and it’s disingenuous to claim it does.
So I appreciate the devs punishing the people who belong in hornyjail by making their basically-naked outfit hard mode. That’s kinda funny. But I’m very tired of devs attempting to justify why they want naked women in their games:
That mod *is* hilarious, not because the concept of muscular women is funny, but because of the dissonance between Aerith’s normal appearance and her beefy form. A mod that turned Link or Luigi into Conan-era Schwarzenegger would be hilarious for the same reasons.
I’ll bet it does.
Because he’s very good at his job, so good in fact that some people think of him as a spokesperson for the industry. I don’t deny that if he wanted too, considering his skills, he could make waves, but he’s sitting on a very lucrative and comfortable chair, and he is sitting there because he doesn’t rock the boat, at…