
Sure, but who has had time to review it properly? It’s an extremely long game that landed on December 7th (and doesn’t seem to have review copies, when realistically the last reviews are going to need to be in by like the 20th, what with people going off on break and so on. Non-completist playthroughs are routinely

I can’t wait for us to get past this whole point. It isn’t going anywhere and won’t be regulated away. I still remember how up in arms everyone one was about how digital art was going to ruin the entire industry. A decade or two from now & an article like this will seem even sillier than it currently does. Adapt or

I think a little of both from what I recall. One late game boss fight was rather annoying, even on normal.

You cant just be cunty and then not give an example”

So many games have come out and raised the bar for what can be done in their respective genres. Starfield combines ideas and features from those games but fails to live up to any of them, while also failing to live up to what people loved about old Bethesda games.

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This does absolutely nothing to fix the PC versions.

That is worthless considering the public with no access to source code accomplished more in the first week after release.

Robocop Rogue City. What a fucking delight, a competent, violent and gory shooter that nails the aesthetic and feel of the classic film, while getting to dodge anything from the shoddy third film that cratered the franchise.

I even think AI could be used to create a lot of assets in games- like, to generate hundreds or thousands of in-world advertisements in a big city setting like Night City or something. But I think that the work the AIs are trained on should come from artists who are employed by the studio or on work that has been

They really dont have the Ultimate Universe or any Marvel licenses that we know of. Nintendo exclusively put out Ultimate Alliance 3 and Activision have delisted all Marvel licensed games from online stores. Activision don’t have any Marvel licenses, they have the games developed when they had the license but with the

The “Microsoft shouldn’t be allowed to buy Activision because exclusives are bad!” crowd seems pretty quiet. 

Yeah, the notion of nuclear winter is both entirely hypothetical and deeply misunderstood. ‘Winter’ does not imply the extinguishment of all life under a blizzard, what it does mean is a deep depression in agricultural activity over a period of time.

Which is bad, believe me, we are talking about widespread hunger over

“I don't care how much bigger the pie got; he got a bigger slice than me!" Truly stunning economic analysis.

The biggest improvements in human living conditions has been from raising the most globally poor into industrialized society. Developed nations have actually been pretty stagnant.

AI is just a tool. Might as well have posted this screed about the steam engine coming for all those good horse-related jobs.

But by the time the 2010s rolled around, the 360 was starting to lose its luster, and the widespread hardware failures known as the “Red Ring of Death” were turning a lot of consoles into overpriced paperweights.

It’s not really half the year, though, it’s half the work year, and even then the number isn’t accurate. A calendar year is 8,760 hours, so 917 hours is 10.5% of a year. A work year (assuming a 40 hour work week) is 2,080 hours, so 917 hours is 44.1%.

Yeah, if not for Iron Man and other entertainment, people would recognize the Middle East for the placid, conflict-free zone it is.

This existed before capitalism was ever even mentioned for the first time. A looooong time before. Yes, most of the people doing it are making money off it, sure.

But it’s done more for relatable story telling than anything. If your audience already has an image in their heads of what a character looks like, then you,