Sega wasn’t exactly making people want to buy any of their gaming systems not named the Genesis even when they were making hardware.
Sega wasn’t exactly making people want to buy any of their gaming systems not named the Genesis even when they were making hardware.
i personally don’t think the cost of games should’ve gone up. yeah, inflation is real, but on the other hand, many MANY more people buy games than they did twenty years ago.
They also really need to redo 1 if they want to introduce their newer audience to Wesker.
I didn’t “misunderstand” at all. I replied based on what you said in your original comment which was very basic.
By the time the dreamcast came around, sonic was already a joke. The DC was weird, and I liked it too. Chu-Chu rocket is an all time great, and so was crazy taxi. Those bizarre visual memory cards were a complete misfire. They’re nostalgic, but nobody ever used them in the intended manner. Seaman was another oddball.…
Sega was a shell of itself before they ditched their own hardware, hence, ditching their own hardware. Sonic was never very good. The rest, I dunno, I had a friend with a Genesis growing up, and he always wanted to come over to play on my stuff. At least until I bought a Jaguar.
Nintendo made 1 billion less than Microsoft in 2021 (I don’t have 2022 numbers), and Microsoft only did so by releasing games on PC. We’ve now seen God of War and Horizon and The Last of Us and Uncharted all also release on PC despite Sony making twice as much money in its gaming division as Nintendo did.
Huh. I’d love them to buy Nintendo. Nintendo is really shitty to its fans and won’t release any of their titles outside their platform, so it really can’t get any worse. (I also don’t see that merger ever getting approved).
Maybe. To each their own I suppose, but Ada’s voicework was one of the few substantial downgrades from the original IMO.
I miss when online was a value-adding feature for consoles, rather than an extra cost. Fuck XBL for normalising it.
The game was not exactly amazing either way. Marketing alone isn’t the reason the game didn’t sell well. Did it contribute? Sure. Is the entirety of the game failing on EA when the studio decided to make a “AAA FPS” that apparently didn’t run except on extreme machines as their first ever game? No.
I mean, the healing from food in Skyrim was that way, you got 2-8 hp back from most any food...they should have gone with the food system of FO76, where you get tangible benefits for eating that lasted anywhere from 15-60 minutes depending on the food
Here’s an idea. Instead of blaming publishers for this practice, which is clearly making them money, perhaps blame the rubes that actually pay for this scummy practice.
Unity has very much forgotten that they built their success off being a cheaper more accessible alternative to big engines like Unreal. After pushing their competition to up their game in this regard it seems insane that they'd undermine themselves in this fashion.
There’s a fucking reason lens makers spend millions trying to get rid of it - well, maybe not so much today, since it’s easily handled in post - but still.
I’ve always been amused by RNG dialogue persuasion. Are we meant to believe your character completely misspeaks? Freudian slip?
I’m talking about the reaction tests you were talking about. Pay attention. Which, incidentally, is mostly measuring system latency. If you took out peoples setups introducing a metric ton of latency on both sides, actual scientific testing puts roundtrip reaction speed at closer to 150ms, but the reaction to just…
I’m having fun with it, it’s definitely scratching that Bethesda itch, but it’s more of a chore to play and enjoy then I expected it would be. It took a while, but the flaws certainly show themselves as you play more, you start to notice the break down of use-friendly gameplay, you want to engage with the quite good…
Again, you’re taking a very surface level understanding of things and stretching it to the point of being woefully wrong.
That’s roundtrip latency. The thing that is most important in game perception is not light-action-light, its action-light. Your ability to perceive that gap is roughly an order of magnitude higher.…
So - just bear with me now - what if I told you you could actually tell when your framerate drops without actually having to monitor the exact number? What if I also told you that it can be highly distracting when that happens?
I feel like needing 120 fps is ridiculous, personally (ditto for needing ultra high…