
Exactly. In borderlands sometimes the lower level legendary you got can outpace a much higher level epic that just dropped. Works better that way.

Better looter shooters also tend to increase the amount of stats/effects weapons get at higher levels, or give them higher ranges of stats, as you level up.

Ehhh, brief perusal of their comments are pretty pro trans so pretty sure it’s a joke. To the extent ‘the left’ is mentioned it seems to be critiquing the left -from- the left. Also don’t forget that in Kinja’s profile comment browser it doesn’t distinguish between quoting someone else’s comment and your own which can

If it’s long enough, it can act as a pointer from the top down 

I am reminded of Second Life, which had sliders for various attributes, including one that went from ‘Coin Purse’ to ‘Dufflebag’. Amusingly, at about 95%, said slider would cause additional bulging around the groin and hips, resulting in the character looking like they were wearing a diaper.

I honestly can’t tell what you’re trying to say with this post. The original Baldur’s Gate was based on D&D. If you’re going in expecting the same gameplay experience with 3 you’re going to be wildly disappointed because the differences between 2nd Edition D&D and 5th Edition are numerous enough to fill Elon Musk’s

There’s plenty of serious stuff alongside lighthearted and sillier moments like choosing to ask Halsin to remain in bear form (the scene can be a rather tender one if you opt for a different route, and really the only truly silly moment is the squirrel’s reaction). If you, the player, choose sillier moments, the game

That poor squirrel...

Both. You can create a Character or pick a companion and play from their POV.

I played this game so many times when I was growing up. Loved this game! Always wished this had been the fourth (and final) Indy movie.

Fate of Atlantis is absolutely the 4th movie they should have made instead of the movies they actually did make.

I’m assuming the author didn’t actually read or watch the linked Tweet. If they did, then they knowingly created a headline and byline that are not accurate. If that is the case, is Kotaku just a shitty clickbait site now?

I wouldn’t bother engaging in discussion with them - you’re not likely to have a good faith discussion with them, given the tripe they’ve given in their responses to me so far.

Hey, remember V’s suicidal cop neighbour? Remember how he was gonna kill himself? Remember how you can save him? And remember how you save him?

And one of the things we learned is that you can massively reduce the spread of airborne diseases by reducing crowd density and wearing masks when indoors, but we’ve decided just to ignore those things since they’re slight inconveniences.

This sounds like a fanboi who doesn’t like any criticism of the game and can’t address what I’ve written so he’s trying to play the “No TRUE Scotsman” angle.

Any fire department that didn’t shut that down is not doing its job.

You might be looking for a different website.

Man, there is a lot of yards between those 2 goal posts, but your not helping your case at all.

Have cyberpunk before? Are you not familiar with Snowcrash, one of the more famous ones, whose lead is Hiro Protagonist, a pizza delivery driver who calls himself “The Deliverator” and carries a katana? Who teams up with “Yours Truly” (Y.T.), a skateboard courier who refers to herself exclusively in the