
Agreed. What cracked me up about the constant ‘lack of story’ criticism is that Bethesda has never written good stories. Skyrim’s story was awful. Fallout 4's campaign was terrible too (Far Harbor not withstanding). The only real reason to play beyond modding was exploration. They themselves have stated multiple times

“the update will also be overhauling the base game with the intent to make its story more coherent and its questline more approachable for new players”

I’m in. I actually dug FO76 for what it was, but I’d like to see more of what it COULD be. 

Also “Watching this person who doesn’t know or care about me and is mostly only affable so I’ll give them money feels like hanging out with a friend” is creepy as fuck.

is it weird to anyone else that the reason people cited for engaging with streamers was the whole “it’s like hanging out with my friends” or because it felt more authentic than a professional media outlet but now that the big ones are so heavily sponsored and have such notoriety that they feel more like advertisers

Man, I certainly appreciate that there are other perspectives out there than my own, but as someone who likes to think they’re incredibly sympathetic (empathetic when I can be), shit like this drives me absolutely nuts.

This looks absolutely delicious. I’ve been craving similar experiences after devouring Dusk, Ion Maiden (I will NEVER accept the new name) and Amid Evil, so it is nice to know I have this title to look forward to.

Exclusivity in almost every form sucks

In the case of DLC, I hate that some of them are just locked away to promos I may have missed for products I don’t care for or even worse to specific retailers.

Even better is when other platforms get content for games available on mine with no satisfactory explanation. “Because

romance options?  so we’re going to have players running trains on some poor NPC?

Gee, it’s almost like people can still enjoy a flawed game.

Seems like it’s best to just leave gender and politics out of your persona if you want to make it a public persona. Otherwise either side of the isle will look to make your life hard. Especially being involved with GDQ, in recent years they seem desperate to be as far away from anything resembling controversy as

In Spain, we use the term “feminazi” to describe a feminist so extreme in their beliefs that they impose them unto others or attack people who don’t adopt their ideologies.

The amount of people who are willfully acting like this isn’t exactly how PC’S work is funny.

Imagine what this says to developers, though, particularly smaller indie ones. They get to develop new games knowing One, One S, One X and Series X owners will all be able to play their title. That’s a huge boost for them to know they will have a huge install base for their new game.

Ya I know they should have totally kept her in the skin tight latex suit she normally wears... 

If a game or developer does not align with your politics and you feel strongly about it, then don’t buy the game. By all means, take a stand. Sign an online petition stating that you’re not buying the game because it fails to give equal representation to women. If you want to enact real change and enough people feel

Turn-based might be a bit of a stretch, but there’s definitely a rhythm to it.  Knowing how to chain attacks and when to switch stances is key, and picking up on your opponents’ rhythms is as important as establishing your own.  

Please no. Just because people can’t cope with a game not having the familiar gameplay tropes, because people can’t recognize good storytelling, doesn’t mean that everything has to be made mediocre and samey.

Gervais interrupted himself with a little rant about how everyone in the audience is a hypocrite for working with big companies like Amazon and Netflix and Apple and how nobody has the right to thank any of these companies in their speeches because none of the actors in attendance went to school.

Tolerable jokes? Skarsgard eyebrow joke being better than the entire monologue? Yeah, no. Gervais killed it. I don’t agree with some of his points or jabs, but I’m capable of putting those aside to admit the monologue was funny and entertaining.

“I need to know where my hacked cameras are and where to place trip-mine like trap rivots.”