Nah, its mostly because you and another commenter are acting like dicks because the internet outrage (which, let’s be clear, isn’t any more or less trite than yours) another commenter expressed wasn’t the flavor you prefer.
Nah, its mostly because you and another commenter are acting like dicks because the internet outrage (which, let’s be clear, isn’t any more or less trite than yours) another commenter expressed wasn’t the flavor you prefer.
You realize your attitude isn’t helping the dialogue of getting more men to understand and empathize with women about the state of rape culture in america. He was offering empathy even if the wording was not perfect, hoping the men who are accused of the crime are brought to justice. You choose to jump down his throat…
In my eyes, as long as the key was legitimately obtained, it was paid for somehow and is just being passed around to another person. It would be like somehow ending up with a sealed new game that you already have and you just want to get rid of it.
Using G2A as an example, they have two sides to the site, the first is buying direct from G2A, these are the more expensive keys, the second is buying from other users (peer-to-peer).
The problem with the PC gaming market, as it stands currently, is that while discounts on games are common, they’re also almost always temporary. Steam sales disappear after two weeks; so do Amazon sales and Humble Bundles. And some games never go on sale, despite their age.
The market needs an outlet to fill these…
I disagree. Making PC gaming more affordable is welcome, and sites like G2A can get even better discounts than Steam. The problem comes from fradulent users, not from the marketplaces themselves.
I can’t with the fucking crying. He’s a fucking politician, just like any other, not the Messiah.
Euthanization is honestly a more logical response to this then incarcerating them for four years and releasing them back into society, in debt, and unable to get a decent job.
New Vegas was incredible. It captured the spirit of Fallout 1 & 2 far better than 3 & 4 did. NV and its expansions were all just fun to explore. I would love another Western US-set fallout game. Probably won’t happen though :(
Want to know why we are not releasing mods for the console?! Because even though I told them it was not possible for the mod to work on the console due to needing a script extender, something that will never available on the Xbox or PS4 I still get a million request, death threats and everything else from these same…
Nah, it’s more like “console players don’t deserve them because they’re sending us death threats and spamming our bug reports with requests, making it impossible to fix actual bugs.”
Most of the time studios offer early access in order to gain capital to keep developing, which I’m perfectly fine with as long as what they already have to offer is fun. And, in every single instance I had with early access, it was. I got my money’s worth from these broken and unfinished games before they were even…
Even the gimped half assed pc ports everyone complains about usually still get a better frame rate than the consoles. Examples : arkham knight, assassins creed unity.
Being a developer, if you don’t occassionaly get so invested in your work that you lose track of time and end up reluctantly quitting at 2 AM there is something wrong. It’s like a burst of passion and inspiration in any art form and it’s a good thing. In the same way, you can’t force that kind of inspiration and…
Not all game companies are like that. Not all projects are like that. Nothing wrong at all with him going indie. But AAA is not all bad.
In your original comment here you say the reason Quiet is sexist is because she was designed by a dude in order to titillate dudes. That is a critique that says sexualization is what was wrong with Quiet.
You’re 100% right though that sexualization in of itself is not the problem, the macro-level disparity in…
I don’t pirate and I don’t care about whether their reasoning is sound; I just know their reasoning.
Surprisingly, I kinda don’t care because I can just ignore all the bullshit games and buy what I actually feel like.
You can't possibly be serious.
Yes but men have a undeniably larger physical edge over women. That is not arguable.