
I find it a little disturbing that you automatically infer some kind of kinship with Michael Brown, merely because of the color of your skin. Do you regularly rob convenience stores? Assault the stores owners, and also disregard/assault police officers? If the answer is no, then you don't really have anything in

Narrator refers to "Lara" as "Laura".

It is driving me crazy that he keeps calling her "Laura."

I thought the same thing.

I actualy, for the first time since a looooong time, felt that guns in the game were feeling awesome. There's so much feedback, impact, noise and power in each and single shot that most games can hide, especialy Halo and CoD. I respect Halo and I love CoD but shooting guns ain't spectacular in

"he gunplay in this game is OK. It doesn't have Halo's expression or Call of Duty's sharpness. "

What does this even mean? Those games are like the two blandest, most impactless shooting games around... It's like shooting popguns and painballs at limp dummies... Is this some sort of code for "I have terrible taste in

Biker Taker was some of his best wrestling, and definitely his best mic work.

"I've argued at length"

One of the many, many criticisms of Critic X is that she leaves her Youtube comments closed.* Her defenders say that's to prevent the harassment she got when she left them open for her Kickstarter. Except that she had comments closed even before them, pretty clearly doesn't like listening to criticism, and presents a

Except the critic that was referring to had comments shut off from long before she became popular, has no problem leaving them open on her website, deliberately left the comments open on the video about her Kickstarter and approved the harassing ones, and, oh yes, has never acknowledged any of the many, many

Really? Because all I feel by looking at big muscular men is that I'm inadequate because I don't work out 24/7 and take steroids not that I can somehow "enjoy" pretending that I'm a character from Gears of War.

>Last I checked, I wasn't trying to promote the 'women have some sort of hive mind' mentality. Of course there are exceptions - I never said there wasn't.

Have You Already Played A Next-Gen Console?

I just hope there is a "true" ghost style. Not knocking anyone down, be completely invisible without any traces. That's how I play my Splinter Cell games. Ofcourse at some point you have to knock or kill someone because plot tells you to. But for most parts, I was able to finish all 3 games and the Double Agent

• Tomb Raider ($12.50) | Lowest ever, do it. Worth noting that the franchise pack is $17.50, however it does not include Guardian of Light, which was the best game in the series

You like Threedog and Moria, your argument is invalid.

Atmosphere is the last line of defense people of lesser taste can muster when presented with the overwhelming proof that Fallout: New Vegas was the better game.

The correct order is clearly:

Plenty of JRPGs are labeled RPGs, you are correct, but few of them are actually RPGs.

System Shock 2 featured more choice and consequence than BioShock did (But it was still no Deus Ex nor Planescape: Torment).

Choice and consequence is what defines the RPG; taking on a role and, through your own individual actions,