
Gawker (and Trotter, especially) is not journalism. To try to classify a blog post as either ‘article’ or ‘opinion’ is to miss the point of blogs - to create a space where the author can eschew journalistic integrity in order to editorialize, in “real time”.

Craig Gurian, the executive director of the Anti-Discrimination Center in New York, offered a blunt (and perhaps obdurate) defense of New York City’s public accommodations law: “To the extent that there are workplaces or public accommodations that have inappropriate behavior, the solution is to fix those workplaces or

//Until we get woke judges (i.e. not white men), laws intended to protect the oppressed will consistently be used by those in power to maintain the status quo.//

So judges who don’t follow the law?

If by “history of standing up to the occupation” you mean “planting bombs in the Sbarro pizza parlor so as to murder as many Jewish children as possible” then yes the Tamimi clan sure does have a history.

No, man. It’s even worse than that. It’s not the helicopter that killed ‘em it’s the safety gear. Those seatbelts are known killers and we’ve gotta stomp ‘em out, I tell ya!

The more likely scenario is they died BECAUSE of government regulation. Requiring that goofy extra safety strap that’s separate from the standard buckle system that must be cut away with a shank.

Agreed; and not having doors seems like it would be a benefit in such a scenario, so long as you don’t get yourself pulled into the blades.

It most likely to be something of this type.

You aren’t using your helicopter right.

Public schools routinely censor what you are referring to as “free speech.” A dress code, for example. A “no cell phone” policy, for another. A “no swearing” policy, for yet another.

So is Misty Copeland stealing dance moves from Europeans? Did Leonytne Price steal from Europeans when she became an opera singer? How about Alvin Ailey? Please learn the difference between BEING INFLUENCED and Plagarizing. If being influenced is appropriation then we should be pissed off about Jazz, modern art, every

I dunno. I think the whole framing of “white privilege” is kind of a nonstarter. for one thing, it lumps all 175-200 million white people together, regardless of their background, which is the very thing that it is trying to address. It ignores class, or the fact that you can be technically well off and still be

You’d prefer they found a person of color with a penchant for waterboarding and destroying evidence, instead?

So because his skin is a certain color, he has different obligations on how much he has to thank the artists who inspired him, because of their skin color.

That’s not true at all.

Jazz is awful. Only pretentious douches pretend to like it.

Sometimes it feels like we take on the easy targets that don’t want to hit back instead of going hard on the ones that deserve it.

Seeing a black woman hate on Bruno Mars while using a Japanese handle that means “I love you” should be a textbook example of the word irony.

Social Justice Warriors are...something.