
“Most men think this is what sex is”

I know, that is a gross statement.

“Most men think this is what sex is”?? That is ridiculous. Most men reading this are horrified.

Which is why we should all go on DST all year.

Yeah, the kids were not all white. There were no black children killed, but there were several Latinx children and an Asian child. And that doesn’t include the other children who were injured.

Hold up. The main woke girl is latinx, and so were multiple victims in this shit. Are we really at the “not black = white” level here

Counterpoint: Stick to one issue at a time. If you try to attach Michael’s laundry list of wishes to your goal, you’ll accomplish nothing and the odds of you accomplishing anything are pretty thin to start with.

“17 white lives”

Are you sure about that?

TV BBC may not be hiring women, but internet BBC always seems be looking to hire more ladies.

I’m really impressed the police were able to box them in like that. Obviously some were able to scatter over the barriers, but getting a bunch of police cars into position there isn’t easy given the ambient traffic and walled in roads there.

They’ve been causing chaos in Boston for years. I can’t believe it took this long to arrest them and it shocks me that the police never seemed to care about stopping them in downtown Boston. They race around in the evening blocking traffic, doing wheelies, riding on sidewalks and scaring the crap out of people.

K if it was a man who beat a woman, esp if he beat Heather Locklear, he would be tarred, feathered and sent the electric chair by the time we’ve finished reading the article.

Except it was not the BF who made the call but her brother. Even in mutually combative violence it’s typically the male party that is assumed to be the aggressor. A presumption that Ms. Locklear appears to have rebutted.

“Scotch as a category is seen as particularly intimidating by women.”

I hope the victims (the boyfriend and the police) recover well and the boyfriend gets whatever help he may need to escape this abusive situation. If it’s mutual abuse I hope they all get help, but I wouldn’t assume mutual abuse if a man beat a woman so I won’t assume it here either.

I admit I don’t know that many women who like scotch very much, but I don’t think it has anything to do with there not being a lady on the bottle.

Yep. Sesame Street was a great watch.

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It’s actually $200 cheaper for most people, because the primary credit is larger ($300) and applies to any travel