
If she turns it down they’ll give it to another actress who will take it. Criticism shouldn’t be directed at the people’s actually in charge of casting, not an actress who can very easily be replaced.

I too embrace nufacism and reject all art that is not a pure, personal reflection of it’s creator. Burn the cinemas!

Why does she have to defend herself for getting roles? The people who cast should be catching flack more than her. If she thinks the role is right for her and it helps develop her craft - why wouldn’t she take it?

What’s even more shitty, is that Holden has a Colorado-based Trailblazer, which GM could “Americanize” as easily as the truck - which has been pretty damn successful.

the old one looks better

yes - let’s keep rewarding shitty people. that has been working out so well for our society. how about Shonda, Margot and Jennifer say no thanks and let this little thief rot in jail in anonymity where she belongs? Be best.

So, who created the situation?

-said no PR firm ever

So its better for men doing the job and enforcing the laws that our representatives have passed to pass away than people violating law and potentially running drugs and definitely in the employ of drug cartels?

But refusing to stop for police is in fact a felony, and doing so at a high rate of speed only adds to the violation. So yes, they had every right to attempt to stop these people.

Because they’re trying to imply that big scary mean guys with guns forced innocent people into a crash and killed them.

Or, you know, the people fleeing from police could have just..... stopped?

So they didn’t get shot? What does the lead image have to do with the story, other than click bait?

Out of curiosity why is there a picture of a guy with a shotgun for a story in which no gunfire appears to have been exchanged? By all accounts this was just a Coyote (Human Smuggler/Trafficker) running from law enforcement in hopes of avoiding short time in a Federal Prison discovering the limits of their very

Entering the country legally would be a way of avoiding things like this.

I feel like Jezebel writers do that in general, where men ruining women’s lives is fucking evil, but women ruining men’s lives is...“a little bit funny.” It’s pretty fucked.

yeah.... i’m not a fan of using the bible to counter someone else’s argument that uses the bible. it’s like..... you can justify ANYTHING using the bible. let’s use the constitution, laws, and human decency as arguments instead.

How is that a reasonable comparison?

What’s unfair for women in sport isn’t necessarily unfair for men in sport. There’s a difference between competing against the best athletes on the planet vs competing against the best female athletes on the planet.

Deadspin is showing a gross lack of understanding of human anatomy and physiology and a strong adherence of sticking to presumed sides. Sorry, but the “liberal” side of this argument is wrong and destroys women’s and girls athletics. Sacrificing the many for the few is akin to cutting off your nose to spite your face.

This is a good thing.