
I think that a man might want to claim to be transgender not because he thinks that a women’s facility is “more comfortable,” but rather that it would bee safer than a man’s prison. I am a slightly built man and yeah, I would feel more safe in a women’s prison.

This is very concerning. As someone who works with formerly incarcerated women, I am very concerned for the safety and wellbeing of female inmates, the majority of whom are trauma survivors. There have already been problems with housing trans identified males in women’s facilities in the U.K. and US- women being

Honestly I’m kinda torn down the middle on this article. I think doing a friendly favor for a former partner is no big deal. But then some of the wording used here is........

can’t imagine why the relationship didn’t work out >_>

“Unpenalized”? Yes.

Putting morality and ethics aside: prostitution is still illegal mostly everywhere in the US. Sure, it is still widespread, but it’s still illegal. The bill is designed to put the squeeze on sex traffickers, but nobody was every pretending it left room to protect other sex workers. I mean, for one thing, they don’t

I’m sorry, but I feel like I need to be a voice of reason here. The sex work industry is complex, and not monolithic. Whereas some sex workers are more empowered and have the resources to be self-employed (which often, but not always coincides with class/race-based privilege), others are incredibly vulnerable to

Asshole pedantry warning... 

Rocky Horror has you covered.

The real problem here is that in the original Weird Science, despite the two boys creating their “dream girl,” the girl actually ends up being the one with all the power in the relationship. That dynamic, with the roles reversed would be....problematic, to say the least.

Ahh, my favourite movie as a preteen: Making Mr Right, starring Anne Magnuson and John Malkovich. Except she was a cool, smart scientist, not a nerdy loser, and he was gentle and lovely. I loved this movie, and it’s exactly what you described.

Interesting. Also interesting, you know who didn’t shoot-up YoutTube: gun owners that were recently outraged with YouTube’s decision to ban firearm and firearm accessory videos. What’s also interesting is that the shooter legally acquired and registered her firearm in a state with some of the strictest gun laws in the

You forgot PETA.

I’m content on blaming the shooting on a looney tune vegan with dead eyes who may or may not have had delusions that YouTube was out to kill her non-business business.

Raise the voting age to 21 so this kid can not do more damage?

You may know this, but perhaps others don’t, so I’ll say it anyways: you cannot go across the border to a different state and legally purchase a firearm you cannot own in your home state. No FFL can sell to you, and private sales across states are illegal. (And if they bought it illegally, well... they could have done

Only if they inspired a woman to shoot her boyfriend?

He stuck his dick in crazy apparently. You never stick your dick in crazy.

How would you like to pay everyone?

Our gun culture is the only thing that is keeping Republicans in check, really. Right now they’re using them for the vote but in reality they’re not for any citizen rights. Only themselves and corporate.