
“Because her taking it actively prevents trans people from using their own voices in a system where they already experience extraordinary marginalization and erasure. She’s an active participant in the oppression of trans folks by taking this role. How is that not clear?”

I would hope you would look at what could happen and decide that it is better to go somewhere else first, or remain where you are, and go through the normal legal immigration process.

While the passengers were each guilty of a misdemeanor count of improper entry, the driver was guilty 14 federal felonies for getting paid to transport his passengers he knew were entering the country illegally and an additional felony for evading. There are probably several more crimes committed by the driver in

Try getting your news from an actual news site instead of a blog and you will discover a wealth of information that isn’t given here. This fact is being widely reported. The driver is a US citizen known to CBP with a history of this sort of thing.

The deputy isn’t the one that lost control and crashed.

This is tragic. But you know who’s alive right now? All the people in the two other vehicles that actually stopped. The police didn’t shoot these people, they didn’t PIT them, they didn’t even spike strip them. This crash was a direct result of someone driving beyond their skills and the capability of the vehicle (The

Or they could maybe take the hint and find a line of work that is legal, or go somewhere where it is legal. Oh no, can’t ask them to not break the law. 

You mean like the Brady Campaign and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence? I’m sure there are many others already out there.

The issue is that it is so hard to catch them without putting them in danger. If the police were allowed to bump them or use spike strips then they might put some effort in to catching them. It only mostly worked this time because they were able to trap them between barriers, which was a great plan. 

Don’t forget Future Combat System and Ground Combat Vehicle. The Army really had themselves a good streak of botched programs.

That’s true, she did something. Well, a little slap on the wrist. The absolute minimum required to keep her from being sued. Also, I think we are glossing over the fact that she had some dude on payroll giving her daily bible quotes. Seriously? A faith advisor? That alone is bad enough. Let alone that she kept him

I disagree. I don’t think they are being assholes. She initiated the contact and passed up the opportunity to let it go. Honestly, they are getting more positive press about it this way than they would have from her meager base.

It isn’t just that it gets easier. Once you take the first one, your fate is now tied to the person who gave it to you. “You wouldn’t want it to come out, would you?”

Gas pumps are an interesting point. I remember leaded and unleaded gas pumps having different size nozzles so you couldn’t put the regular in a modern car. But today at my local gas station I have 4 different types of gasoline, plus diesel, to choose from. And different states have different choices. Still, on

And at the same time a lot cheaper for foreign parties to buy American goods.

And after they gave a snarky reply, all she had to do was ignore it and move on to the next victim and it would have been forgotten in a matter of weeks, but no, she just had to slap back.

Yes, this is what happens when you let a Romeo pilot at the controls of a Sierra.

I mostly agree. It is very likely she was agreeable and he wasn’t. There probably isn’t much more to it than that. Her negotiation was probably very short “I totally agree with doing this, just cover my lunch money.” He just said something like “I got better things to do, if you want me to stick around I want to get

You’re joking about the Sunday thing right? The USA is so backward, you still open stores late and close early on Sundays.

Can’t make it a Monday or Friday. People will just make it a three day weekend and be gone starting Thursday night. Of the people that do not already vote today, there are not enough that care enough to give up a few extra hours of a long weekend.