It wouldn’t surprise me if the idea of the Army paying for gender reassignment is a factor here. Not so much from a $$ perspective, but more from a political perspective.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the idea of the Army paying for gender reassignment is a factor here. Not so much from a $$ perspective, but more from a political perspective.
I love nerding out with other TI-89 totin’, khaki wearing, pocket protector-having math geeks.
Don’t know about Jet Blue but some airlines actually increase the leg room in the front of the cabin in order to be able to charge more for the premium seats.
They should call it “Right to not have to financially support political candidates I disagree with in order to keep my job.”
That is great. I would love to see a time when all the races are mixed together and diluted to the point where it becomes a non-issue.
Yes, states, like liquid or solid. Only they are more rarefied than the gaseous state of known elements. You see they are artificial constructs of man and do not naturally exist outside a laboratory. Some say they have never actually existed and are only the musings of some theoretical physicist who made them up so…
Avoid anything with two wheels in the front. Flip over waiting to happen.
Fleetwood Mac is in. I don’t know that I’d put her in solo.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding your post, but I wouldn’t recommend a new rider go to a track day. I would recommend track days as the step AFTER a rider gets through the stages discussed here with at least one or two thousand miles. The coaching they get will not be aimed at teaching them to be comfortable riding around…
Because the women demanded the same pay as men and so they only had budget for 73% as many?
And the weak spot would be that front brake? Even so, it does seem like it would be fun to put on some skinny jeans and ride it to the non-chain coffee house nearby with your leather messenger bag over your shoulder containing your MBP.
wealth ≠ success, stop equating the two
So, the only gun here was the one that stopped the attacker. So you were being serious when you said “thanks,” right?
You are so spoiled.
You are so spoiled.
1. The way you think of women who disagree with you is part of the reason you alienated so many voters who should have been our allies.
angry toddlers pissing their pants any time they don’t get their way
I’ve had better luck on the phone. I’ve only had one dealership refuse to give me an out the door quote on the phone and we did not contact them further (nor since). There were three others that did quote. Two of which were within $150 of each other. We picked the more responsive salesman and we closed the deal, out…
People telling them what their “self interests” are seems to be part of the problem.
because white working class voters routinely vote against their own economic best interest, no matter how much Dems cater and beg and explain.
Michigan and Wisconsin were lots by less than the margin of voters that went for Stein. So, yes, more effort probably would have helped.