
How is voting for Johnson advocating killing fellow Americans?

And now you try to make it personal. Ain’t no hate like Hillary hate.

You totally don’t get it. But there you go, reinforcing what he said about what he has to put up with from people that don’t even know him.

I have exactly one friend that is what I would call rich i.e. well into the 1%. I had that discussion with him this morning. He voted for not-Hillary (Johnson) for two reasons: 1. He’s sick of the current political landscape and the foreign policy of the US that doesn’t change no matter who is in the White House

Shit, that’s terrible. but if it’s the worst that these kids do to their classmates all year I’d call that about average where/when I grew up. Kids just don’t understand the damage they do. Many of them that end up to be great people later in life start out as borderline sociopaths.  

It is funny you bring up Wisconsin and Michigan, maybe it was intentional. But those are two states where, last I looked, if all the Jill voters had gone for Hillary, she would have beat Trump. Probably not enough to change the overall election, but enough to put us into the same kind of uncertain state we were in

I will never, ever, ever trust polling experts or pundits after this election.

I would phrase it differently. Her supporters were passionate. It was the others that voted for “not-Trump” that were not passionate. I have to admit I was not at all passionate, but it didn’t change the way I voted.

You wanna hear something funny... Based on just a very quick look...

Yeah, I really blew that one.

tl;dr : The Democrats needed a non-establishment candidate to beat Trump.

The same thing will happen as happened last time. There will be such a backlash in two years that the Senate will go back to the Democrats, the how margin will narrow. In four years there will be no chance for reelection.

Trump has no political record to speak of. His entire campaign was fear mongering. Nobody truly know what is going to happen. Keep your chin up for the next few months at least.

Didn’t work out for Bush senior. Don’t start the car in the garage just yet. We need you in 2020.

worked our asses off to elect Clinton

To the Democrats for putting forth possibly the only candidate Trump could beat. Fuck you.

Typical, I don’t know. But if you want to ride 160 miles out to the country, and then 25 miles up forest service or logging roads with your camping gear, I don’t know anything else on two wheels that works better. This, however, is not that bike.

A lot of it is how you ride it. My 650 gets 55 when I commute to work during the week. When I ride on weekends it gets 40-45.

Of course she is. it was never really in doubt.

I have no sympathy for people who can’t be bothered to put enough thought into the election to realize that they need to register.