
Based only on what you posted, he very likely did earn both. If he is typical, the money he paid into SS would be worth more today than what he is getting out of it and Agent Orange exposure is serious business. That shit can have serious effects later in life.

Perhaps, but if you had tried my wife’s cooking you would agree that men should infiltrate the kitchen. Though I am increasingly suspicious that she does it on purpose to get me to take it over.

I agree that this was really obvious. There will be debate about why it is, insurance, facilities, etc... Really it comes down to two things. How much do I have to pay to get qualified-ish people to work here? How much are the parents willing to pay me to take their kids off their hands for the day? People have a hard

By conventional I did not mean Army artillery rounds. Clearly those wouldn’t work. I meant non-missile rounds. There exist a number of guided rounds that are much cheaper than $800K. I don’t mean to imply that these will drop into AGS as-is, just that LRLAP isn’t the only possible solution for these guns. Originally a

I think you left out the part where the gun can fire conventional 155mm ammunition.

Isn’t AGS a BAE Systems product, not LM? The LRLAP is the LM product.

I own one. I was trying to be subtle.

How about a 4 door truck with a short bed, but you can put the rear seat down and remove the wall between the bed and the cab so you can still get a 4x8 sheet of plywood in. Have it come with a removable hard cover on the bed and allow the rear window to stay in if desired so you can have the cab open to the bed but

I know plenty more about the subject than you ever will

And still with the trolling. I can play along if you like.

The farmer, generally part of the ruling coalition in their community, is unlikely to have his property rights trampled upon.

I get it. There are some people that think this land is sacred. But we don’t let the farmer, whose grand parents and great grandparents are buried on his land, stop us from building a freeway that will benefit tens of thousands. Given that this telescope has the potential to increase the body of knowledge for all of

Islam is and probably will always be Christianity’s ‘kid brother’ in that whole “violent, genocidal conversion coercion” department.

And if I may add...

Yes, this is definitely a “how the hell did we end up here?” election. I give the Republicans one small bit of credit... They put their money where their mouths were when it came to breaking out of the establishment. Unfortunately they did it in the worst possible way. I’d rather have had Bernie go against Trump and

If you aren’t rich, you aren’t living in san francisco.

You seem to be under the impression that a private institution owes its employees something more than is mandated by law or is required to obtain enough qualified staff to meet its objectives. In this case qualified is a very low bar and there are apparently plenty of people willing to take the job at the rate

Why is your time any more important than theirs?

It’s crazy how much performance you can get for the money from a Mustang... 

Depending on the state, I think the issue is liability to the kids. Kids can’t sign and the parents can’t waive the rights of the kids.