
Even when they are updated they lie. I can’t count the number of 2+ hour delays 20 minutes at a time. I even had a gate agent admit that they do that on purpose. Probably to keep people from jumping to other flights.

It is possible that they did all the backup stuff you talk about but they had three or more problems hit at once. Unlikely, but possible.

Was in a similar situation. Two backup generators. First one the automatic bus transfer switch failed, second one failed to start do to a loose battery terminal. Battery terminal had enough connectivity that the monitor showed it was good, but couldn’t take the load of the starter. Both worked at the last monthly

Hopefully we took the ~$150M paid to the former hostages out of Iran’s accounts first.

Trial by combat

Just to be clear... Most big state schools still use the scores as part of the package, so if you want to go to one of those, clearly you should take the test.

I didn’t say they didn’t matter in terms of admission. I said they are not a good predictor of performance. Further, I stated that there are other factors that are better predictors of performance. So I’m not sure if you failed on the reading comprehension part of our test or if you just like putting up straw men in

For example - GPA, for those high schools that haven’t completely given in to inflation, correlates to college performance much better than SAT scores.

For example:

I thought we had already established that the SAT is only good at testing people’s ability to take tests. This might actually be a blessing. Maybe schools will go out and find some more meaningful way to screen students for admission.

What magic long-range missiles do you think that the F-35 is armed with? If you mean AMRAAMs, I hate to disappoint you, but they date back to the ‘80s and it’s not particularly good with them either (…).

The net has an advantage in that he could already be on his way back up while they reset the net. With a parachute he would have to pack first or have two parachutes and let someone else pack while he is in the air.

Wow. Maybe your son should get a case.

And yet when they feel the need to expound on topics such as science, health, and politics people apparently listen.

It is possible that the older guy was simply a nutcase and this went from 0 to 60 in 2.3 seconds. However, I doubt it. One story lists the kid as 14, and goes on to state:

You assume that was the first and not the tenth time he asked.

It is possible, even even frequent depending on the department, to go a whole shift without getting any breaks and only taking 2 or 3 minutes at a time to urinate on the way to a slightly less urgent call. If that happens then the same consequences apply. It doesn’t even have to be a whole shift. It could be quiet

JFC, I would NOT want to work where you work. I have never worked someplace like that. I hope you find a better situation.

if appointments ran long or patients showed up late or walk-ins were put on their schedule, they pretty much had to skip their breaks.

And how do you account for that? They can’t guarantee that when she is on the street she will have time. If this is really that urgent of a problem, which I believe it is, then the best solution for everyone is to put her on desk duty where she can take a break at her leisure without compromising coverage or causing