
This isn’t really isn’t about the normal case, since they aren’t threatening to fire her. This is about whether she can stay on the street or has to take a desk job.

Please, that doesn’t take anywhere near 20-30 minutes.

He really came to a custody hearing wearing a 420 shirt? No wonder the kids were removed. Not so much having this around the kids, but his severe lack of judgment.

Well, we all know the US military is usually pretty good about making technically sound and value based decisions with regard to procurements.

And this is what you will get more of if you vote for HRC, probably worse. She may be “better” than the major party alternative, but as long as we keep playing this BS “two party system” game we will continue to get what we have. I recognize that it is the longest of long shots, but I’d love to see neither candidate

First you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women.

Ok. Now I know you’re trolling. You got me. Congrats.

Not by any definition is that true, but thanks for parroting the mindless talking points of those who smear strong women who don’t know their place.

The corollary to your last point: When there are two left turn lanes the people in the inside lane drift to the outside into the other lane like they don’t realize that there is a second set of cars turning next to them. I’ve been run onto the shoulder a couple of times.

Horns are actually required by law. So it is the government that is enabling in your statement, not the manufacturers.

WTF is a Food stylist?

And to be fair, Lady in the Water sucked, bad.

He’s never acted straight OR gay in TOS, the movies, or the reboot series; he’s never had any on-screen sexual preferences at all.

but knowing that police can and will take people out without putting themselves in danger is an interesting development.

How would Slaughterhouse 5 fit into these categories?

I have one also. The interface isn’t great and there is a bunch of stuff I really don’t like about it. The only saving grace is that I can run actual Windows applications on it to compensate for the lack of stuff in the Windows app store.

First source that pops up isn’t definitive, but this is usually the whole point of the counter suit. If it drags out costs on both sides will continue to increase and things will only get worse for the families.

This isn’t about the theater leaving them alone, it is about them leaving the theater alone for something that wasn’t the fault of the theater. All the families have to do is agree not to appeal the decision against them in their lawsuit against the theater and this counter claim will be dropped.

Haha. Yes, of course, those different cops had it out for you. Did it ever occur to you that maybe you’re the problem? You sound like an angry person and that probably comes out in your interactions with people, especially those in authority whom you resent because you never really achieved anything yourself. You

Comedy gold. “That’s your dinner party gun?” “No, that’s my wife’s dinner party gun.”