
Because, yes of course, everything on the internet should be taken seriously. I think if you put that much interest in what is said on the internet you might just be the one that needs a life.

And another one bites. I had not really intended to be a troll, but the statement in the original post was not meant to be taken seriously.

Please. Much better than either of those. Sealed chamber. Change out the air with nitrogen. The person will fall asleep and never wake up. The only downside is that you have to wait a while to make sure they are dead-dead.

I have no idea what you’re talking about. All the religious types around here are against both abortion and execution. But then this isn’t the deep south or anything like that.

You apparently don’t realize it but from my original post this was not meant to be taken seriously. But I am willing to keep going.

Yes, you would only be selecting people based on their access to sanitation, clean infrastructure and other medical treatments.

Again, keeping the population to a manageable level. You will note that I did include disfigured and crippled. Anyway, the human race propagated before the advent of vaccines, and would not die out if they went away. The population would be reduced to a sustainable level and shorter expected lifetimes would restore

To use your example of Tuberculosis... a very high percentage of people in the third world are already infected with Tuberculosis, but they have no symptoms and are not infectious because it is latent, being kept in check by their bodies. I believe it is less than 10% of infections that go active. If it has been

Why would I gas anybody? Nature will decide who to keep, not people, that is the point. We won’t be artificially selecting people from 1st world societies just because they happen to be the ones with easy access to vaccines. Besides, eventually all people will be essentially just mixtures of all ethnicities to varying

You know, if nobody used vaccines then eventually humanity would develop immunity to the disease as those that didn’t have natural immunity died off or became disfigured and crippled so nobody would breed with them. So those folks would be taking one for the team.

It isn’t a red herring, it is an actual problem. That said, more than 0% of your time spent in person at a football game in which you are not playing is too much.

He absolutely is crazy. The guy is nuts. He is mentally unstable and a danger to himself and others. He needs to be confined away from society. As to whether he is competent to stand trial, I don’t know and I don’t care, as long as he gets put away somewhere.

There are plenty of aluminum skillets that are coated with something or clad in something, or anodized, which this particular example is not. They also show some non-coated aluminum “frying pans.” I’m not sure if the usage makes the implications of aluminum any different, but many people use them interchangeably.

This is just going to drive the creation of secret single gender societies that are branches of the legacy clubs or stand alone.

You only have to ask two questions:

I used to do volunteer search and rescue in an area where the sheriff had a JetRanger (similar enough to this type, see drewcrosby’s post above) and did all kinds of high risk stuff like this. A rescue nearly went south because of it and 6 mo. later they had a mil-surplus UH-1 with a hoist in service.

NoScript. It has the side effect of cutting out some of the advertising, but that is the price these people pay for pulling shit like autoplay.

Maybe he thought they were on a break

1. Nobody is letting him off, rather they are suggesting that this might be an over-reaction