
Based on some of the other things I’ve read it would seem that the Wrights were serious patent trolls that slowed the early progress of heavier than air flight.

If the government were doing it you could try to call it a seizure of sorts under the fourth, they are taking away your ability to use your stuff along with a service you pay for to browse the web. Except that it isn’t the government doing it, and if they were they’d call it a civil forfeiture meaning that a barely

They just don’t want to have to come back in 20 minutes.

Yeah, that is unusual to me. In my admittedly closely controlled interactions with cops (helping train police dogs) the typical thing, if there is a gun in a closet or under a bed or just not in someone’s hands, is something like this:

We need distance based cruise control, lane monitoring, and best of all automatic parallel parking.

I don’t know. I kind of like a thumper for off-road and I personally don’t mind a carb. I think if you lean more towards a twin with fuel injection you could do just as well with an F700GS for 10K, but then you are probably 12K when you add luggage. The G650GS is still a single but with EFI and ABS. It has more

Name calling, now that is an “adult” response. Personal attacks are the least mature way to admit you have no legitimate response to my argument. You could have at least tried another straw man. Anyway, try to have a better rest of your day.

LoL. Don’t get so testy. You were the one who asked the question, as if the title didn’t imply the purpose. But you STILL don’t get it. As it says, “we hold these truths to be self evident.” The rights were granted by “the creator” and that they were “unalienable.” That all means that the authors of the DoI were

I thought this sounded somewhat familiar...

Well I could tell you but it would be better if you cracked a history book.

I need help here. This isn’t a criticism rather it is an honest question. Why would I buy this when I could buy a 2015 KLR650 for about $6K (plus luggage and a just a couple of tweaks)? Weight is close to the same, horsepower is close to the same, torque is higher, and more suspension travel? The only advantage this

Meh. This is “journalism.” I’ve given up trying to correct them everytime they do this unless they are misleading people to scare them. Assault rifle, clip, tank, etc... To them battleship means ship that is designed to go into battle. Of course just because it is a battle ship doesn’t mean it is a battleship.

Of course they are separate and for different purposes, that’s why people refer to them by different names. See? But then I never said they were the same, so I’m not sure where you are going with that.

I might complain about a lot of things, that doesn’t mean they should be changed to meet my desires. You do have a right to pursue happiness generally free from government interference as long as you aren’t a criminal. It isn’t the government doing this. Don’t other people get the same right to pursue their own

The Declaration of Independence is not a part of the Bill of Rights or the Constitution.

I haven’t found anything else that works as well for me to load up my camping gear, ride 180mi on the highway in relative comfort and then do another 30mi on the logging roads (some no longer maintained) to get where I’m going. As for the other ~80%, I think they are great because they drive the manufacturers to

Either way, the nominee has to eventually be approved by the Senate. Which is why Obama nominated who he did, to have a chance at getting someone through. Hillary wouldn’t nominate a real liberal to SCOTUS anyway.

I find it sad that you would raise you daughter to think that just because something hasn’t been done yet that she can’t do it in the future.

Looking forward to Hillary beating the stuffing out of Trump, and being able to tell my newborn daughter “You can be whatever you want when you grow up,” without lying :D

He can still fall back to that. But he gets more visibility this way since he gets to compete in a primary.