
Tex Johnston did it with a Boeing 367 (Think 707 prototype). In theory, when perfectly executed, a barrel roll should be a 1G maneuver.

No damnit. I want my Delorian SUV. Now they just have to make the body out of stainless.

I don’t think it’s that simple. If you take the memory out of the phone and try to brute force it, you can’t within your lifetime because of the size of the embedded key that is combined with the user’s passcode to get the decryption key. If you leave it in the phone you only get a limited number of tries.

That is the minimum. Where I work they mandate an 8 digit passcode.

Smaller 6S? Got to be a smaller battery, wonder what the life on it is.

Why? Nobody cares that they market to men and women differently, or old and young, or gay and straight, or california and Nebraska, or white and blue collar, or any other demographic difference that you care to mention. Though I haven’t noticed it at the movie trailer level before.

I’d rather have Jesse Owens, Greg Louganis, Carl Lewis, and we can have Babe since she was in the Olympics. Maybe Michael Phelps (twice as many gold medals as the next nearest competitor) if people can get past his DUI.

Olympic athletes, sure, professional athletes no way. What about narcissistic tech billionaires?

Ivanka is by far the most successful and seemingly best adjusted of the 3 siblings.

My worst one was a couple that brought their toddler to see Strangeland. The violence and horror was bad enough, but to make a kid, who has no choice in the matter, see such an awful movie is just abuse.

I meant as opposed to Chinooks.

I wasn’t talking about military ops. I took a quote from TFA a little too far:

I wouldn’t have thought that a V-22 in helicopter mode would be much faster than a Chinook. Can they fly in transitional mode with the bucket?

Chinooks are often used for this. Many National Guard units with Chinooks are on call just for this purpose.

I don’t think anyone is denying the existance of Native Americans, they just like to call them “early immigrants”

Think of it as a vaccination without the pain of a needle

Not defending Joe, rather just clarifying one of your statements...

I can’t find where they say what his record was, but...

Part of the issue is that while most police officers start as perfectly normal, level headed people, many of them are changed by the job. They may become jaded and cynical seeing the dregs of humanity all the time to the point where they always expect the worst. The constant exposure to intense situations can result

You are correct. Texas is move over one lane OR slow to 20MPH below the posted speed limit for speed limits 25MPH or higher. Or 5MPH below the speed limit when the limit less than 25MPH.