
You are forcing people to write code. Code has been held up by the US courts as expression falling under the first amendment. Forcing employees to do work that they don’t want to do without cause for arrest or detainment. The order would be unduly burdensome on the company in that it interferes with the required

Not onerous? Is the government offering to pay Apple to create this tool?

Once they create it, it becomes easier for the courts to order Apple to hand it over. If they haven’t created it in the first place they can argue a lot of different angles as to why they can’t be forced to create it.

I’m confused

Obama has been President for for 7 years. Who else would you blame it on? Bush? Please. Democrats are eager to blame everything on the sitting president unless he is a democrat. Obama has had ample time to fix this; to fix Gitmo (which was a campaign promise); he cancelled the presidential helicopter only to give it

...Not leaving disappointed

Most of the air vehicle parts work pretty well. They have accumulated over 50,000 flight hours in aggregate.

Sure, F-35 is a development disaster, as has been said here many, many times, so you aren’t being edgy. However, the SR-71 comparison is ridiculous. That is like comparing a balsa wood and cardboard model rocket to a modern quadrocopter. I bet even you could build the former in your garage or basement from scratch in

F15s and 16s flying air cover for A10s. What is the situation they can’t handle exactly?

If Apple creates the software, the courts can order them to give it to the government. If Apple never creates the software to begin with then they have nothing to give. It is much harder for the courts to order someone to create something than it is to give something up.

That was exactly the issue. They were NOT getting paid for time waiting in line at the exit and there were not enough guards and scanners to process the staff in a timely manner.

A drunk driver at bike week? Just the one? That must be a record.

I don’t get how “intimidating” employees into NOT taking stuff that doesn’t belong to them is sooo terrible. Again, a lot of what they do is really bad, this is probably the lest of it.

I’d be sitting there going “Good. Get rid of the thieving bastards. They just make it tougher on us honest employees.” Amazon may not be great to work for, but they know how to count beans. If they all of a sudden stopped experiencing theft, they would start curtailing the most intrusive measures because they cost

I have no issue with this. They don’t even call the criminals out by name or use their picture. This is totally non-intrusive and can easily be ignored. The waiting in line for the scanners though is absolutely inexcusable.

I think I’ve already addressed this retarded complaint in another post. How about you do some more reading.

For a couple of months I was near a NAS with a runway over 10,000 feet long. I saw F-18s take off using AB many times, rarely did I see them carrying anything underneath besides tanks. I don’t think this is unusual.

Wow. You truly are a complete moron.

Well, he does have a helmet, which is more than I can say for most of the HD riders around here at least. Pic must be in a helmet mandatory state.

While I agree to an extent, and I would NEVER buy one, I must admit that every time the Harley demo truck comes to the local dealer I go out and ride a few bikes. If you haven’t, do it once, then when you come in here and complain you can add that you’ve “ridden several of them and they all suck.” I don’t know why I