
Exactly, Red Lobster should be down at the bottom with Olive Garden. I can appreciate some differences in opinion, but I can’t even imagine a universe where Red Lobster is in the top 10.

Looks like the Kawi has a gear indicator, you know, for when you get lost among the 4 gears. But I believe the Grom has the leading 1 on the speedometer, I don’t know if Kawasaki does; it could be an important descriminator.

I don’t think the Groms are that hard to get anymore. Maybe in the more dense areas like LA or NYC. My local dealer still has seven 2015 Groms in stock.

I eagerly await the head to head competition at the Grom Prix.

Maybe. I wouldn’t recommend it though. If asked, I’d nudge someone over to one of the 300ish cc bikes out there over this, unless they are so short that they can’t get a foot down on one. I see this as a fun toy to screw around with in close quarters, though I have seen a couple of Groms on the road. From a more

And he STILL didn’t stay on his side of the road through all the corners.

Allow Facebook and Facebookcdn. For some reason they now like to use Facebook to host some of the videos in the Gawkerverse.

Probably because they have so many that it would be impractical. You would need a huge bank vault type room and you would have to move all the display items out and in daily, which is a fair bit of effort and leads to scratched inventory. It would be easier to make the store more secure. Which it clearly should have

He generated the vast majority of weath he has today. He started by losing many times more money than he inherited from his father. Then he used his wealthy connections to generate funding to start all over again (I don’t know if he did this more than once) and rebuilt his empire. So, you see, he has generated a ton

Why would you torture the kids like that?

Probably stationed at Whidby Island NAS at the time. About 100 miles driving distance from Seattle.

Take an F-35 B and replace the lift fan with a generator. Imagine the jamming power.

Or do you mean why does Obama hate the 4th amendment? Comey is his appointee and his press secretary has issued a statement of support for the FBI’s position in this case.

And nobody seems to bother to mention that this guy was appointed by Obama and serves at the pleasure of the president. Not only that but the White House has thrown their support behind the FBI in this case.

For most Hungary isn’t the first EU nation they enter. Most come through Greece and Romania. Those coming through the Ukraine have a claim in Hungary and it should be honored. Also, a passport isn’t required, but it does help to have some evidence of your identity.

So rather than applying and getting the process started, they are going to wait months for a chance to stow away on the hopes of making it through border security. If they do manage to get on a truck and make it through the tunnel into the UK, and if they manage to get past inspection on the other side, then when they

So your answer is to wait even longer to start the process when they could start today in France? I’m not saying the filing process is easy, I’m saying it is easier than the process of sitting on dirt floors under tarps in Calais for months or years, battling police and border guards, trying to sneak across the

It takes two to not go to war. Well, actually, I guess it only takes one to surrender and consent to live under rules established by a foreign power however oppressive they may be.

But you don’t live in a shanty town while waiting for the hearing. My guess is that most of these people do not want to remain in France even if they could qualify for asylum. Once they pass onward from the first EU country they hit they become economic migrants, not refugees. If they catch them the UK can and will

Not arguing whether the US and Russia should be involved, just addressing your point. Even if the US and Russia pulled out immediately, there would still be a three way war between the Assad regime, ISIL, and the rebels and the place would still be a shit storm and nobody would want to go home.