
My iPhone 5S (work) has great battery life, but I think that is at least partly due to the fact that it is work and I mostly use email, calendar, IM, SMS, and some work apps. I don’t watch videos or play games. Even so, just last week on a business trip I had to lend my cable to a co-worker who had forgotten his cable

Because they want to get to the UK rather than stay in France.

This would be less (“less” not “not”)of an issue if they would just comply with EU law and file for asylum in France or the first EU country they hit. Then they could get temporary housing through official channels instead of creating their own slum.

Looks like Putin is a big fan of 4Chan

“A wraith, man! A ghost. An evil spirit, and it ain’t cool.”

It makes no sense to connect this to a campaign to encourage girls in science and then give it to a boy.

I’m almost positive the folks in Nothern(sic) Ireland want the British out.

at 3:25 when he takes both hands off at the same time... /shudder

yeah, Lex Luthor tried to exploit this in Superman the Motion Picture. But, understanding that he would be dead by the time man and nature were able to make it happen, he tried to accelerate the process using nuclear weapons and a fault line.

You’ll never be able to stop anywhere near 100%. But in order to even take a bite out of it at all they need a way to actually get the bikes to stop. The bikers just keep driving knowing that the cops aren’t allowed to PIT bikes, and aren’t allowed to use stop sticks on bikes. They only option they have is to get a

Do you also lean in towards the center so you can keep one hand comfortably on the stereo?

I find this awesome. I would not be surprised at all if this were to be true (once reviewed, vetted, etc...). I would think that women who make it into the industry would be more committed than the average man simply because women don’t seem to get into the business lightly. Either they really want it or they do

Yes, again. I believe what she was saying is that she does indeed work “with people who think of women as chattel.”

Yes, I understand, but your statment “if you have to ask...” lead me to believe you agreed, or supported the statement.

Chattle means property, right? I don’t see how you get that from this. At least not more than you would any person employed by any other person. Are they being used for their appearance, sure. But this is far from the only place that happens, look at Hollywood. The issue is that they didn’t seem to have any beefcake

What happened is a tragedy, but the officers are not to blame

Penny Benjamin?

should have asked someone in her row to switch with the daughter. It isn’t rocket science.

It’s like that “women talk more than men” thing, where men somehow get the impression that women dominate a conversation when really they only talk 20% as much men,

But it doesn’t require humans to do anything. I just requires them to stop doing dumb things.