
I didn’t think that was true in Cyclocross. I also didn’t think it was that much weight that had to be added. Hrm.

But the big wireless telcos will take over and fill that need, right? For a reasonable price, right?

You can do that with the tower, but the phone is going to need a built in Mr. Fusion, which won’t be small enough for quite some time.

How is a bike mechanic or other competent person going to pick up that bike and not notice that it is significantly heavier than all the others?

The best part of heated seats in my truck is that they come on, along with the defroster when the outside temp is below some threshold and you use remote start. When I lived in MN and was at work in the winter I would look out the window and hit the remote start. Then I would pack up whatever I was taking home and put

And aparently free trips around the world. (just jealous)

I watched the new BSG series also.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m generally a defender of the F-35, but now you aren’t comparing apples to apples since “internal load” on F-35 is less than “full load” on F-18. I don’t have all the raw data at my finger tips but both the C and E have higher thrust to weight ratio than the F-35A with no ordinance and at MTOW

I’ll bet that F-35 wasn’t carrying its full load either.

If you could get it to fire the hellfires without releasing them?

“cannot confirm or deny...”

I know what you mean, and I don’t disagree with the sentiment, but just to be clear...

Ok. so specify the quota they have to meet and lets move on.

That’s why he should have selected zone 5 to extend, and escape. He made a bad choice. In his case the maneuver worked, the Mig never got a clean shot, but I think it was a textbook example of what not to do.

And there you go doubling down on the racist rant.

Be prepared to fight the union.

I don’t mean to disagree with the major points at all. I would however like to point out one thing. In one sentence you deride a man for suggesting a paper authored by only women could benefit from a male perspective, and the very next line you criticize a conference for having all-male panels.

Most developed nations treat it like Social Security. The government collects a tax and pays it out to those who need it. It becomes a “cost of doing business” and means a small business isn’t pushed under if two women get pregnant at the same time.

You make a very good point. Especially the part about tips. I have no idea how the employee would make up for the missed tips.

The reason it is so is because for every person employed in those positions there are two waiting to take their place. Employees are easy to replace so no need to incentivize them to stay. (No advocating, just stating)