
It’s not the same when there are 25 or 30 women in a group of 50,

And the ERA. As soon as we gain Constitutional equality, we should have the equal responsibility of service to country.

If the us is ~45% empty, Aus is more like 90% empty. Do you have that same map for Australia?

Given the distribution of the population I would say it is excellent.

Except that Au has a population about 8% that of the US and a higher percentage of those live in urban areas, thus it is much easier to get a higher percentage of the population covered. So Au is actually more like the European nations than like the US in that respect.

Lololol... Ok, you were trolling, you got me. But you are projecting a little too much. It gave you away.

More people asked their opinion than asked you yours. Of all the things that they are tasked with, this one is legitimate. The fact that they published the document shows that they are not only concerned with government data, but civilian use of the same techniques. This has potential implications far outside the

What you are suggesting is a ratio of 3 women for every man... Interesting

Was on a plane that came to a stop at the gate and the seatbelt sign went off and everybody stood up as they tend to do. Then a Chinese woman sitting only two rows back from the front starts pushing the three people in front of her. At first the guy she is pushing just gives her a look. Then he says “please stop

I assume that was hyperbole given that F-22s have dropped more than 200 bombs in Syria and have only killed 2 pilots.

There are reasons, other than looks, why the X-32 was not chosen. Not the least of which is that it was even worse than the F-35 in terms of STOVL performance due to the lift system. Then there was the ill-fated attempt to duplicate the F-35 VTOL / supersonic flight. Also note that Boeing was the company that did the

I think his point was that the helicopter in his picture is actually in the Israeli inventory.

You still know more about the difference than the majority of contributors in the Gawker-verse (Tyler excepted of course). To many of them any of the above gets labeled “tank” and then they argue that they label is justified because “it is substantially the same thing.”

They need the cars to keep at least some semblance of fear in the cyclists so they don’t ride out of control, run down pedestrians in crosswalks killing them, and then joke about it online. Only to be given a slap on the wrist.

Just like a Bearcat (police armored car) is is a long way from being a tank, but they try to sell that one here too.

Wait. Calling in a false police report over the phone while masking the origin of the call isn’t already a federal crime?

What the hell else are they supposed to flood their fields with.

You are all wrong, it is Macadamia, Pistachio, everything else

So, after climate change has wiped humans off the planet?

But these sound like emergency provision for the very poor,