
Don’t know about this case but plans typically call for the RR to build overpasses or tunnels for farmers or other owners of large swaths of land along the way.

That means that the weirdly over-sized app icons you sometimes see (such as the Bank of America one in the image above)

Not so much a straw man as an actual case.

Now, tell me how that applies to corn, grown by a farmer from last year’s seed, in one state, and consumed by the farmer’s own cattle on his own farm.

Yeah. It must be a big chain because there were many ships in the area painted just the same.

Yeah, it was weird. Not only that, but they all dressed alike. We had a port of call in the Saudi Arabia and they all went ashore. Seems they all had booked tours of the area. Many had actually brought their vehicles with them, which again were all painted alike. Strange crowd. Anyway, it seemed like we waited for

Yeah, I used to work split shifts on the ship. 6am to noon, 6pm to midnight. Of course I didn’t really get the time between noon and 6pm off. I still had non-scheduled tasking that had to get done. It wasn’t too bad, one of the shifts was just walking around making sure nothing was going wrong, the ship wasn’t


So you’re saying you can’t control your temper and shouldn’t be around civil society?

The “Russians” like to bolt things on huh?

It will use the same platform as the 310 R (codenamed K03), but feature different egos and likely some modifications to the powertrain.

From the original article...

That is a good point. I did not see a version specified here.

Now with the name calling. The last gasp of someone who realizes their argument is futile and simply wants to quash further discussion because they know they have lost. You made my day! Have a good one yourself.

You have just illustrated the beauty of the current system. It requires a vast majority of people to agree in order to get it done. It can’t be a simple 51%. It would have to be such a strong majority that you wouldn’t have a significant number of the general population siding with the government or it just wouldn’t

Can someone please point me to the stat on the number of shootings that could have been prevented if this were in place? Someone has to have done the math, right? We wouldn’t propose sweeping changes that are going to be very expensive, have a long period of painfully working through the issues, and spend a lot of

The problem is, gun advocates don’t recognize that the two things they argue we need guns for (preventing crime and preventing tyranny) are mutually exclusive. In essence, they are arguing they need to use their guns to enforce the laws until such time as they personally deem those laws invalid and decide to use

Because no well trained and equipped hostile force has ever been held at bay by a militia of trained but irregular fighters with small arms? Is that what you’re saying?

John Stamos getting hacked to death? I can get behind that.

Well, they have to do something and they are out of ideas.