
What the girls said was offensive and hurt my feelings, so, you know...

As long as the same number of people die on both sides, it’s all good.

Driving around DFW I agree with your assessment of the drivers. However, the only difference in carrying a gun in a car between today and a week ago is that now, if you have a permit, the gun can be kept in plain sight in a holster on your hip. In Texas it has long been legal to carry a loaded gun in your vehicle out

In Texas a permit is not required to carry a loaded handgun in a vehicle.

Article says 5 or 6 men in the car. No way they all keep their mouths shut for very long, especially those not driving and not shooting.

Minor point but no permit is required for carrying in the vehicle.

I’ll go and say completely off the wall random shit too. Does that mean you will vote for me?

Well, the software on my Samsung smart TV is shit so why would I trust them to create a good universal remote?

Your argument falls completely flat for two reasons... 1. Motorcycle blogs are read mostly by motorcyclists, not by your average cager so it really doesn’t have the significance you try to put on it. 2. The mainstream media already reported this to more average citizens than Sean could hope to reach in an entire year.

It is all a matter of degree. You are trying to draw an arbitrary line based on the idea that everyone’s life should be as boring as yours.

See other reply in this thread. The licensed PI requirement is a backdoor that means you can go to a number of web sites and pay a fee to have them get the information for you. So, while it isn’t public in the strictest sense, it really is available to anyone willing to go to the effort and pay the fee. In some states

smoked a token amount

I was actually referring to the LRLAP with the 100+ mile range. I believe that you are correct on Excalibur cost being around $100K, but I had not heard if the extended range version has entered service. I would believe that the $20K version was the one with no boost (~15mi range) but did include a guidance package.

You me you want me to prove my statement or the state requires proof of something in order to disclose the information?

The process varies from state to state. If you were the victim of a crime and filed a police report you should probably let the police handle it. In some states you must agree not to contact the person.

Car license plate database, airplane registration number database, FCC radio license (pro and amateur) database, etc... All are public information. All can be queried with varying levels of effort. Why should this be different? Or do you want to reverse policy and make all of those private?

If the FAA was smart, they would allow searches on the web site by the general public by registration number only, giving only a single result (obviously). They would use a captcha or something similar to prevent robots. They would limit the number of searches from a given IP addres to a set amount over a period of

To accomplish the same job, a destroyer needs to fire a million dollar missile (compared to what, 5k for a 16 incher? 20k guided?) that takes 10x longer to reach its target, with less explosives.

All the more reason to avoid things which can easily kill you.

In other words, the dogfights of the future will look nothing like they do today.