
No matter if the Dems end up winning the House, this has been one heck of a disappointing result. Given the shitshow that Trump has been fronting for the past 2 years, these races should not be this close.

Volvo Pilot Assist is absolutely NOT in the same category as GM’s and Tesla’s systems. Who told you that, the dealer?

If you’ve driven anything other than the Volvo system, you’d know that the GM and Tesla systems drive extremely differently.

The Volvo Pilot Assist feels like a scary deathtrap in comparison to Tesla’s newest releases, honestly. They may be comparable on paper, but in real-world use there’s a very large difference. Same goes for the system VW uses which essentially just ping pongs in a lane if it can even detect it. But on paper it appears

Don’t take this the wrong way, as I agree with you in terms of how others would perceive that, so I think it should be changed in the article.

*its ass


Univision execs must have stopped shorting Tesla stock.

Right? Is my browser malfunctioning and redirecting me elsewhere??

Am I the only one sick of the blatantly negative bias on anything to do with Elon Musk? Seriously there are much worse CEOs out there to pester.

The cop is right. It is a distraction to the job of driving.

Yes yes, I know. He only resigns one of his hats. But it would have overburdened my joke so I left that bit out. ;)

Holy bias title batman! Remains CEO. No admission of guilt. No Ban from being on public boards. In the end it’s a slap on the wrist and Tesla’s stock will go up because of it.

But no, Gizmodo simply *must* maintain their anti-tesla bias at all times! Shape those headlines boys! 

This new Jalopnik has become unreadable.. now the editors are putting the ban hammer down on comments.. it’s OK for Jalopnik (and Deadspin, Jez... et al) to call out celebrities, athletes, motorsport personalities every kind of name in the book, say fuck and dick and balls in headlines, but a commenter calls Orlove a

You’re making news about them.

“Fuck off, Musk”

Especially if you are smart and well off enough to replicate this exercise in the wild...for fuck’s sake just steal 10 honda’s instead.

Because it looks even worse when it’s mounted in the dash.

It was more like, how do I make a cheaper electric car? Get rid of all the parts.

Oh, you mean the companies he created that gave all of those people jobs in the first place? Yes, let’s just force him away from the companies he made because you don’t understand what he’s doing.